Chapter 11

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a/n: i am so sorry for taking so long to update. I have been meaning to for a while now but i was too lazy and couldn't think of what to write. but here is the chapter now tho.


Once I come back out, Biana asks me, "Which dress and heels are you going to choose?" "I think I'm going to choose . . ."

Sophie's POV

Once we make it home, I go upstairs and hang up my dress in my closet so I don't get it dirty. I then flop onto my bed and fall asleep.

~time skip to the morning of the dance~

I wake up to the feeling of my covers getting pulled off my body. "Go away," I say, my voice muffled by the pillows. "You need to get up, Soph. We need to start getting ready for the dance," someone says to me. "What time is it?" "It's 7:30 right now and the dance starts at 8 tonight. We need to start getting ready now." I roll over to see Lihn is the one who woke me up. "Uhhg. Fine. I'm up," I say as Lihn helps me get out of bed.

We then head downstairs. Once I'm most of the way downstairs, I can start seeing some of the chaos that is going on. Marella was stress baking a chocolate ganache layer cake, one of her specialties, along with macaroons and crepes and toppings for our breakfast. Meanwhile, Biana was rushing around grabbing makeup, fabrics, beauty products, and anything she thought we might need to get ready for the dance tonight. I then glance over at the dining room table to see Linh's computer was oper with a bunch of different hairstyles for tonight.

Once I'm fully down the stairs, I then ask, "Are you okay?" "DO I REALLY LOOK OKAY TO YOU?!" Biana says really loudly. That startles Marella from her baking and makes her drop the whisk by accident. "Okay.  Calm down." Linh says to Biana trying to get her to calm down. Linh has always had a soothing voice that can calm someone down easily. 

"Thanks, Linh," Biana says after she had calmed down. "That's what I'm here for," she says flashing one of her smiles.

By the time everything was calmed down, it was almost 9. "We have to get going. I have us booked at The Four Seasons Tree Spa and Facials," Biana says as she grabs her purse to get ready to leave. "Wow, you got a reservation at The Four Seasons Tree Spa and Facials?" Marella says in astonishment. "That place you have to book reservations at least almost a year ahead of time just to get a spot. How did you do it?" I ask looking over to Biana. "Weell. I just used my v.i.p card for those treatments there," Biana says smiling.

~Time skip to when they arrive~

"Wow." "This is crazy." "It's so beautiful." We say at the same time. "I know. Come one. We have to head in now though," Biana says to us as she starts heading in. 

Once we head inside the first thing that catches my eye is the huge tree that they have that has what looks like all four seasons on it sitting in the center of the lobby. "Wow. That is so cool," I end up saying without realizing it. "Yes. I know right. That is actually a real-life tree," Biana says while walking up to the reception desk.

 That is actually a real-life tree," Biana says while walking up to the reception desk

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(a/n: that's what the tree kind of looks like)

After Biana checks in, she leads us to the changing room is. We then change into ropes and put our clothing in lockers. We then head to where they have to different types of soakings. We all decide on the mud bath for soaking in. "Aaa. This is so good," Linh says as soon as she sits down. "I know right," Marella says to her. We end up soaking in there for around an hour before we then rinse off the mud and get massages, face masks, and our nails done.

~Around 3 hours later (12ish)~

After we were done at The Four Seasons Tree Spa and Facials, we then decide to head home to start getting ready for the dance. Marella then started working on a salad for us to eat before we take a nap before we really need to start getting ready for the dance at 10 pm.

After I finish eating my salad, I then say to Biana, Linh, and Marella that I was going to head upstairs and take a quick nap for around an hour or two. Marella says that she will wake me up when we need to start getting ready. I then head upstairs and walk to my room.

I enter my room and sit down on my bed. I then hear my phone vibrating on my desk. I pick it up and see it's Keefe. I then open my phone to see what he wants.

In "HunkyHair💁" Private Chat

HunkyHair💁: hey baby

hi babe :Soph🌸

HunkyHair💁: can i ask u smthng

sure depends tho :Soph🌸

HunkyHair💁: kay

HunkyHair💁: wat color is ur dress

HunkyHair💁: i want 2 match my tie 2 ur dress

ooh its ______ :Soph🌸

do u need to know biana, linh, and marellas for the rest :Soph🌸

HunkyHair💁: let me ask the others

~few minutes later~

HunkyHair💁: yeah i do

HunkyHair💁: biana is refusing to tell bangs boi but i think tam already has an idea anyway

HunkyHair💁: and fitz and dex didnt even think abt asking linh and marella

haha omg sounds like them :Soph🌸

but bianas dress is ______ linhs  is ______ and marellas is ______  :Soph🌸

I'm gonna take a nap b4 the dance now  :Soph🌸

HunkyHair💁: k and thnx baby

HunkyHair💁: c u at the dance

After talking with Keefe, I put my phone in its charger and go to sleep.

a/n: thanks for reading. i have already a sense of what I'm going to write for chapter 12. I don't know how many more chapters are going to be in this fanfiction, but we might be coming near towards the end of the book.


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