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Hey, My Lightning Bolts✨⚡💛

I know some of you probably hate that I ended Fix Me, Foster the way that I did, but I'm planning on making a second book if you would like to read it.

I'm thinking about calling it a few different ideas please vote on one.

What Troubles May Come, Foster

You Have Fixed Me, Foster

What's In Store, Foster

Our Future, Foster

Other(Any ideas you might have)

No matter what there will most likely be a second fanfic to Fix Me, Foster.

Also on another note. I will be creating a spot where it will be all full of questions that you guys have for me that I will answer. It can be about anything. It can be about me to any ships that I might ship to questions you might have about my AU's or anything else you want to know. Please put your questions in the comment below or message me.

Well, Goodbye, for now, My Lightning Bolts✨⚡💛


Fix Me Foster[Book 1] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now