Chapter 14

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We then head to Keefe's room. He's laying there peacefully. I then go sit down next to Keefe. "Please wake up soon. I already miss you so much."

~Time Skip~

Sophie's POV

"When are you going to wake up, Keefe," I say to him as I sit in the chair positioned next to his bed. It has been around 11 months since Keefe went into a coma. He was only supposed to be in a coma for no more than 4 months. It's now been almost a year now, and the doctors are starting to consider that he's never going to wake up and unplugging his life support.

"Please wake up, Keefe. I really need you. Please we all miss you. I don't want to lose you again. So please wake up," I say begging. That's all I'm able to get out before I start crying again. I then cry myself to sleep, falling asleep on Keefe's shoulder.

Fitz's POV

I walk into Keefe's room for a visit, and I see Sophie asleep on Keefe's shoulder. I put a blanket around her shoulders, then take my time to say what I wanted to Keefe. 

Once I'm done with what I want to say to Keefe, I then text Biana saying I'm coming to their dorm with a sleeping Sophie. I then pick her up bridal style and bring her to my car. I notice when I'm lifting her up that she is really light like she hasn't been eating. I put her in the backseat so she can continue to sleep. I then drive to the dorm. I then hand her off to Biana to bring her to her room.

Keefe's POV

a/n: time passes differently in this world or whatever you want to call it. A day here is more like and minute in the normal world.

Where am I? What's going on. Where's Foster. I look around and all I see is white. Nothing standing out to me. I then start hearing voices. They are slightly muffled but I can tell that it is Foster's voice. I'm able to make out her saying, "Please wake up Keefe. I really need you. Please we all miss you. I don't want to lose you. So please wake up." That's all that I can hear. 

Wake up? What does she mean by wake up? Then all the memories of what I last remember flash in front of me. All that my father has done to me. That bastard. I hope he is dead. But really what does Foster mean by wake up. 

"You're in a coma, Keefe." I hear the familiar angelic voice of my mother. I start crying once I see the familiar figure of her. "Moma." I choke out. She takes me into her arms and starts bawling. Once I have calmed down enough to talk, I then ask, "Moma, what's going on? Why are you here?" "My poor baby. You have been through too much already." She says stroking my hair. "You're in a coma, Keefe. You had received severe brain injuries. The doctors predicted that you would be in a coma for only 4 months, but it's almost been a year since you went into a coma. You have some major choices to make Keefe." "What are they?" "That's for you to decide, Keefe." She then starts to fade. "Moma, please don't leave me." "Don't worry my baby. I will see you again. And remember that I'm always with you and that I will always love you. Make the right decision, Keefe," is the last thing I hear from her before she fully fades away. "Make the right decisions. What is that supposed to mean." No one answers.

Time seems to pass slowly here, wherever here is. At least that's what it feels like. Eventually, a tall, red-haired man who looked to be around the age of mid to late 20s maybe even early thirties. He walks up to me and says, "My name is Kendric. And I am here to help you with your decision. Now please take my hand. I have a few things I want to show you." he extends his hand for me to take. I grab onto it and he pulls me up off the ground. 

He then pulls something out of his pocket that looked kind of like a wand, but it had what looked like crystals in it. "What is that?" "This is called a pathfinder. It is used to help lost people get back onto the right path they should be on." He then spins part of it until it locks into place. He then holds it up to the light and asks, "Are you ready to go?" "Go where. "Why, to your past, of course, Keefe." He then smiles at me.

a/n: sorry for taking so long to update. I have recently started back in school and I have been tired. I know that this was sort of a short chapter, but I already have an idea of what I'm going to do for the next chapter, so I will start working on that soon. I will try to get into posting once a month for each of my stories, but I can't promise anything.

Also, once again as a reminder. Once, I have hit 5k views on my story, I will then have a questions and answers period where you can ask me any questions you have. I might also do a face reveal if enough people want me to do one. We will see.

Until next time


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