Chapter 4

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a/n: just a happy song to listen to while you read.


After talking for a bit, Fitz says, "My sister invited us to come over for dinner at their dorm. They're expecting us at 5."

Sophie's POV

"Sophie!" I hear Bianna say from her room. "Yes." "Please come here," she calls. I get off my bed and walk into her room. I see Linh and Marella are already there. I sit down on one of her bean bag chairs.

"Why did you call us in here?" Marella asks. "I wanted to let you know that at 5 my brother and his dormmates are coming over." "Do you who his doormats are?" Linh asks. "Yes. He said that their names were Dex, Tam, and Keefe." At the last name, Bianna turns to look at me funnily. They know that I have liked Keefe ever since we were little, but I always knew deep down that he didn't feel the same way.

"Don't look at me like that," I say to her. "Make over time." all three of them shout at the same time. They drag me back to my room and start looking through my closet throwing my clothing everywhere.

Once they were done picking out my outfit, they set it down on my bed to change into and left so I could change.

Once they were done picking out my outfit, they set it down on my bed to change into and left so I could change

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I look to see what they picked for me, and it was my favorite shirt and jeans. At least they gave me shoes I could walk in. I change into the outfit. Once I finish, I walk out into the hall to show them. They then take me into the bathroom to fix my hair. When they're finished, I look in the mirror to see that I almost look different. All I need to do now is wait to see Keefe.

 All I need to do now is wait to see Keefe

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Keefe's POV

"Who's going to be there?" Dex asks. "Ohh just Bianna, Sophie, Linh, and Marella. Friends of my sister's and her dormmates," Fitz says. "I didn't think I would get to see my cousin at all," Dex says excitedly. 

~Time Skip~

We're standing outside the girls' dorm room waiting for them to answer the door. The door starts to open and I see Foster come out. The light behind her makes her look like an angel painted perfectly with expert hands. 

Dex goes up to her and gives her a hug saying, "Sophie!" "Dex! Nice to see you again." Once they finish hugging, she leads us inside. As I'm walking in, I notice as I look up there is a very nice chandelier. It's very simple but elegant at the same time. 

We go and sit down in the living room and get talking. I look over at Foster to see her talking to Dex. They're probably catching up. The last time I talked to her, she told me that she wouldn't be able to visit any time soon. The only reason she was able to visit me after the accident was to visit her cousin Dex. That was one of the last times I talked to Foster, and that was 3 years ago. We kept in contact for 2 years before we stopped talking to each other.

"Keefe? Keefe? Keefe!" I hear someone say to me. I snap out of my thoughts to see Foster standing right in front of me. "Keefe, dinner is ready. I've been trying to get your attention for the past few minutes." "Sorry I was just thinking," I tell her.

As we walk over to the dining table, she asks me, "Why were you in a rush earlier?" "Because my dad told me to call him after I was done unpacking, and you know how he is." "I'm so sorry. I didn't realize it was still that bad," she says looking like she's ready to cry. "You don't need to cry, Foster. It's not your fault. At least I won't have to worry about him in a few months," I say. "I forgot your birthday was coming up." "I'm sorry again for leaving so suddenly. It's a good thing we ran into each other. Not literally though." "Yeah," Foster says laughing.

~Time Skip~

Once we're done with dinner, I go outside to see the view. "It's nice out here isn't it," Foster says from behind me. "It sure is beautiful like you," I say mumbling the last part. "What was that last part," she says walking to stand next to me. "I said, It sure is beautiful like you." I look over to see her blushing as she brushes a fallen strand of hair out of her face. 'Wow, she is more beautiful than ever.' 

~Time Skip~ 

We got talking for what felt like hours. Eventually, I had to leave otherwise I was going to be tired for the first day of school. "Foster, sorry to leave, but I better get going." "Okay. I hope I will get to see you soon," she says smiling at me. "Same here."

Me and the rest of my dormmates walk to the door and say our goodbyes. 

Once we make it back to our dorm room, I go upstairs, walk into my room, and plop down on my bed. "Today was a fun day," I say to myself. Falling asleep in the clothes I wore.

a/n: I'm hoping you all enjoyed this chapter.


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