Chapter 15

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a/n: I'm probably going to be having a few more chapters be just all Keefe's POV, but we will see.


He then pulls something out of his pocket that looked kind of like a wand, but it had what looked like crystals in it. "What is that?" "This is called a pathfinder. It is used to help lost people get back onto the right path they should be on." He then spins part of it until it locks into place. He then holds it up to the light and asks, "Are you ready to go?" "Go where. "Why, to your past, of course, Keefe." He then smiles at me.

Keefe's POV

"Keefe, I'm going to need you to focus on me while we are traveling. If you don't, you might end up getting lost in time. And we don't want that to happen again." He then changes out of his gloomy tone and then turns to me and says, "Well I hope you're ready to go." He then pulls me into the light that the pathfinder was casting.

Once we make it to our destination, I feel slightly nauseous. He pulls out of his pocket a wrapped candy and hands it to me. "It's a chaser. The first few times you light leap that always happens. Take it. It will help with nausea." I then put the candy in my mouth. It kind of tastes like caramel. 

"Well, Keefe this is where your journey begins." "Where are we?" "We are in your past now watch." 

~The first time Sophie and Keefe meet when they are 4 in daycare~

"Hi, my name's Keefe Sencen. What's yours." A tiny blonde girl is sitting in front of 4-year-old Keefe. "My names Sophie Foster. Let's be friends."

"That's the first time I met Foster," I tell Kendric. "I know."

~They then change to when they are 7 hanging out at a park~

They are on the swings and Sophie is singing a song. "Hey, Foster. Have you ever thought about joining in a talent show?" "No. Why?" She asks. "You sound really nice. We should join in a talent show and sing together. You do the singing and the guitar because you can play and I will play the drums." "Yeah. Why not. Maybe we will even become famous singers." I then give her a thumbs up.

~When they were in the final round of the talent show compitition~

All the judges liked it. We ended up winning the competition. A few weeks later we got a call from a music industry saying that they would like us to work for them and start kicking off our music career earlier than they usually let happen. We ended up singing with them together with occasional solo songs. We were with them for 3 years until we were 10. Then the accident with Foster's parents happened, and she then had to move in with Grady and Edaline. From there, she became a solo singer, same with me, but I also ended up doing other stuff as well.

"Why are you showing me all of this?" "So you can make the right decision," Kendric says before leading me away from that memory. "I think I have shown you all that I can do to help you so far Keefe. We will go back now." He then creates a path.

We then make it back to the white space, Kendric then tells me a few things. "In a little while, my wife, Oralie, will be along to help you with the next part of your decision." "Thanks for all you've done, I guess." "You're very much welcome." That is the last thing he says before he then disappears like my mom.

A while later. A female with blonde ringlets and a tall, lean figure appears in front of me. "You must be Keefe," the female says. "I'm Oralie, but you must already know that." I nod. "Well. Let's get going then. You have a lot to see," she says as she offers her hand and pulls me up. 

She pulls out a pathfinder that looks like Kendric, but this time it's purple instead of blue like Kendric's. She then holds it up to the light and creates a path. We then walk into the path.

a/n: I'm actually surprised that I was able to make a second chapter today. I might even be able to get the next chapter posted today, but I can't promise anything.

Once again. Once, I have hit 5k views on my story, I will then have a questions and answers period and a possible face reveal. If you guys have any questions, please start typing them up in the comments below. I really appreciate it.

Until next time


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