Chapter 5

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a/n: Sorry for taking so long to write this chapter. I'm hoping that I won't take this long on making the chapter next time.


Once we make it back to our dorm room, I go upstairs, walk into my room, and plop down on my bed. "Today was a fun day," I say to myself. Falling asleep in the clothes I wore.

Keefe's POV

In the morning, I wake up to realize I'm still in my clothing from yesterday. "School is in an hour," I say to myself as I go through the closet looking for something to wear. After I find an outfit, I walk to the bathroom and set up the shower.

As I'm taking my shower I start thinking about who will be in my classes. 'I wonder if Foster is going to be in any of my classes.'

Once I finish showering, I get dressed, go downstairs, and walk into the kitchen. I start opening the cupboards looking for Nutella, bread, plate, and knife. I set the stuff down on the counter and start making my breakfast. I finish it and go out on the balcony to wait until I leave for school. "I have an hour before school starts," I say to myself pulling out my sketchbook to start drawing the sunrise.

"Hey who is your first teacher of the day?" asks a voice from behind me. I look back and see Foster's cousin Dex standing there behind me. "Oh, for my first class I have Professor XXXXXX in room XXX for TA," I say turning around to face Dex. "I think Tam might have them for TA as well, but I can't remember."

~Time Skip~

We get talking about our schedules and what classes we had. We ended up figuring out that we had lunch together. "Sorry, Dex but I'm going to have to get going to my class," I say. "Yeah, your right. I didn't realize we got talking for that long." "Well. I guess I'll see you later," I say gathering up my sketchbook and pencils and head to put my stuff in my room. "See you at lunch." I hear Dex say from behind me.

When I'm up in my room, I put my drawing stuff in one of my drawers in my desk. I grab the stuff that I need for class and put it in my backpack. I grab my bag and a hoodie to put over my uniform and go downstairs.

In the kitchen, I see Fitz and Bangs Boy making their breakfast and getting ready for class. I walk in and grab a water bottle from the fridge. "Have you had breakfast yet?" I hear Fitz say. "Yup. I'm heading out to find my class," I say as I start walking towards the front door.

Once I'm out of the dorm, I take the elevator down to the main floor. I walk outside and take a look around to see where the Level 1 building is.

a/n: I just wanted to the time to explain how the Foxfire school works. So Foxfire lets students in when they are 14 or 15 depending on when they were born. There are 5 levels(grades) at foxfire. It is only a school that has to do with many different types of art. For the ages with the levels. Level 1: 14-16 Level 2: 15-17 Level 3: 16-18 Level 4: 17-19 Level 5: 18-20. Each level has its own building where the classes happen in. The Gym and the auditorium also has their own building. For each level, they have a girl and a boys dorm building. There are also 3 coffee shops and around 6 different restaurants. There's also an outdoor pool. There is also a shopping mall near foxfire but not on the property. In total there are probably near different builds on the foxfire property.

I see that the building is right in between the Level 1 dorms. I start walking in the direction of where classes will be happening. Once I'm there, I look at the map that they have when you first walk in. I see that my TA is on the second floor. I take the escalator up to the second floor, walk down the hall, open the door to my TA, and walk-in. I take a look around and see Bangs Boy is in our TA. Foster sitting in the back. I go and sit down next to her. "Nice to see you here, Foster." "oh. Keefe. I didn't expect to see you here." 

Once TA is over, I start heading to my next class. It's xxxxx. That's one of the classes I have to take. After that I have, music composing. One of the classes that I'm taking to pursue the study of music and art. Next, I have lunch. 

I head down to the lunchroom and see Bangs Boy, Fitz, Dex, Bianna, and two other girls named Linh and Marella all sitting at a table nearby. I didn't notice Foster walk up behind me until she says, "Are you going to join them?" "Yeah. Didn't see you there Foster." We walk into the lunchroom and join the rest of our group at the table.

a/n: again my readers. I'm sorry for not updating recently. I've been so busy with schoolwork and other things. But I'm glad I finally got Chapter 5 out.


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