Chapter 16

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a/n: this is once again an all Keefe's POV. wow its my third chapter today.


She pulls out a pathfinder that looks like Kendric, but this time it's purple instead of blue like Kendric's. She then holds it up to the light and creates a path. We then walk into the path.

Keefe's POV

Once we arrive, I look around to see where we are. It is the girls' dorm room living room. I automatically spot Sophie. Biana, Linh, and Marella seem to be trying to comfort her while she is crying into a pillow on the couch.

"What's going on Oralie?" "This is the present Keefe. This is what's going on at this exact moment. You are seeing this in real-time." "So this isn't the past anymore?" "Oh no. This is most definitely not the past. I don't have the authority to show you the past before you went into a coma, but I can show you the past from after you went into a coma. Let's actually go there first then we'll come back to this later."

She twists some of the crystals, then holds the pathfinder up and walks into the light. Once we make it to the other side, Oralie puts the pathfinder back into her pocket. "We at the moment after you were brought into the hospital and taken out of surgery once you were safe." "Why are we here?" "Why to watch of course," she says with a cheeky smile. "Now just watch." I then turn my head to look at what's going on at the moment.

I see all my friends sitting in a hospital waiting room. Probably waiting for the doctor or something like that. Sophie is just sitting there emotionless. Biana is crying onto bangs boy's shoulder. While Fitz is hugging Linh while she is sleeping. Her cheeks are tear-soaked. Eventually, someone walks into the waiting room. "People here for Keefe Sencen?" the doctor asks. "Yes?" I see Sophie answer and stand up, looking excited hoping for good news. "I have an update for you," the doctor says. "okay. How is he?" Sophie asks once she is standing in front of the doctor. "Hi, I'm Doctor Elwin. . . . 

"What is he talking about?" I ask Oralie. "He's talking about how your condition is. Now please pay attention." She then goes back to paying attention to what is going on. "He's in room 206e" Doctor Elwin says. "Thank you Doctor Elwin so much." "You're very welcome," he says before walking away.

That is the last I see before Oralie pulls me into the pathfinder's light. "You don't need to see any more of that right now. It's time to move onto something else," she says once we finish light leaping to wherever we are. "Now time to see why you saw Sophie crying." "Okay?"

~Sophie finds out they think he's never gonna wake up and they're gonna unpug him~

We are watching Sophie talk to Doctor Elwin about something. They are standing right outside my room. "I'm sorry Sophie, but we think he might never wake up again. If he doesn't walke up by the end of this month, I'm sorry to say it but we will need to unhook his life support equipment." She then start crying so hard. "I . . . Understand . . . Doctor." she says between sobs. "I really and sorry Sophie." he takes his glasses off and wipes his eyes. You can tell he started to tear up. "Do you need a hug," he offers. She then nods her head. He then pulls her into an embrace.

"I think it's time to go, Keefe," Oralie says. "Okay," I say trying my best not to sound too upset. We then once again light leap back to the white space. "I'm sorry that I can't show you any mor keefe, but one of my conneagues, Bronte will be here soon. I've got to go now." She then fades away.

After what feels like four hours later, a man with dark black hair and on the more heavy set side appears. "Alright kid let's get this done and over with. I don't have all day," he says. He then pulls out a red pathfinder like Kendric and Oralie's. He then creates a path and pulls me into it.

a/n: omg omg. i'm still surprised that I have done three chapters already. I'm going to try to get the last part of these style chapters done today, but we will see.

Once again. I know that I'm repeating but I want to give people the chance to get to know me the creator of this fanfiction and if they have anything they want to know. Please write anything you want to know in the comments.

Until next time


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