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"Why now of all times? I wanted to be in the sky for at least another century! They forgot the part that I was 'destined to not be caught' when they prophesized that 'someone would catch me if they looked at my heart.' That was the whole point of me being in the sky!" The boy grumbled.

"Umm... urgh," a weird gurgling came out of my throat.

"I'm Canis Major, but you can call me by my human name, Kim Seungmin." The boy held out his hand for me to shake. My head still felt like mush and needed to comprehend what was happening. "The one time I'm polite..." Seungmin muttered.

"Uh... sorry... Lee Felix," I managed. The boy that looked straight from Ancient Greece blinked and looked at me.

"Then, Felix, I must say that it truly is my honor to be with thou," Seungmin played out his part like in a Shakespeare act. "I'm joking. Do you really expect me to not have studied how human languages have evolved in school?" He deadpanned as if it made perfect sense that stars hugged their nebulas (basically where a star is born) goodbye to hopefully have a good day at school. He later explained to me how his nebulas were there for him until he grew up. They acted as his parents, and he had several of them; one for each star. "I am guessing by the silence that is a 'yes.'" Seungmin looked slightly hurt.

"Would you like to come with me inside? Maybe you could explain to me... how the heck all this happened. I don't want to stand in this cold any longer," I decided. Shrugging, Seungmin briskly made his way up to the front door of the grand apartment building. I arrived a few seconds later and entered with him, too. The elevator was sadly out of order, so we had to go up the stairs all the way to my room, 4419. It was nothing special; just a cramped kitchen, squeezed alongside a narrow second-hand couch, that fit two people at the very most. There was a separate bathroom just enough space for one person to fit in with a shower, a toilet, and a sink. A twin bed with thin, overused sheets was in another separate room. The wallpaper was already pealing in places. It seemed almost personal and embarrassing at the time standing next to a well-dressed person that was used to elegance, judging from the gold intertwined olive branches and silky white fabric that fit perfectly.

"So, are you going to be sleeping on the floor or...?" He asked. I almost choked at what he said. It was my house and my bed, but he was a guest and a constellation at that, depending on whether my head was making this up or not. A good night of sleep and rest should do the trick! Well, that's what I thought.

Word Count: 488

I split this chapter, because it was too long :)) Next week you will see what happened ;) I am such a cruel person sometimes. Oh well. I tried to make a Seungmin with extra snark. I also wanted to give you guys an early chap because school is a (insert boxer or victory song bleep)

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