t h r e e

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"I can be on the couch," I suggested and the former constellation seemed to be okay with it. When I settled into the one ratty blanket I had managed to find while ignoring the creaking of the couch, I sighed. Everything would be fine. Let's hope I am not mental. With that lovely thought, I drifted off to a restless sleep. Now that I think about it, don't characters always 'drift off to a restless sleep?' If I wasn't reciting my past (weird) events, I would have said that at least a bit differently. Moving on, as you might know, Seungmin wasn't just a fathom of my imagination. Let's just say, that hearing the clattering of something isn't the best way to wake up. Naturally, he was curious in the creations he hadn't seen or studied, since he didn't take the optional elective of human technologies.

Usually, I was used to a peaceful Saturday morning to have me waking up to the maybe occasional fight next door or just the sun glaring into my eyes. However, I didn't have my coffee and wasn't mentally or physically prepared to endure a curious ex-constellation that didn't know what a cutting board was, much less nearly put it in the fireplace. Even if I can be a "literal sunshine," I need to at least wake up.

As I was staggering a few feet to get to the kitchen portion of the room, Seungmin was holding a cutting board and hitting it a few times against the wall, presumably to see if it did anything. There were now noticeable dents in the drywall. I was just able to stop him before he put the wooden slab into the raging fire. The heaters broke a year ago, so I always ended up using the fireplace, instead.

"Why do you have a piece of wood? Isn't it supposed to be used to feed the fire?"

"It's a cutting board... How do you not know what that is? Didn't you take a class on stuff like that?"

"Nope," came back a curt reply as he ran away to look at something else. I made him sit down and nibble on some bread and butter, before he destroyed another important object. With my luck, it probably won't be the last time something like this happens.

"Okay, explain this whole 'your constellation falling out of the sky and then turning into a boy' madness to me," I suggested. I didn't make the smart decision of listening this through when I had some caffeine already flowing through my system.

"Well, I am Canis Major, the 'dog that was destined to never be caught' and be forever chased in the night sky. It's just some old myth. What I'm saying is, some people (by people I mean godly beings) decided to not read the fine print. The fine print always says something important, as you probably know. What it says is, 'if the constellation goes magnified, seen by an eye of need and perseverance, and then is set on the heart, near the middle of the stars, then the dog can be caught and turned into the species and age (by years) of the catcher.' That might be one of the longest grammatically correct (at least, I think it is) sentence I know. The star you got so fascinated by was my heart, as you can probably guess. That star was actually VY Canis Majoris. It's a reddish gas giant. Well, you get the general idea. The only thing is, I never wanted to be caught. I want to go back up to the sky," Seungmin explained. I had successfully burned myself with spilled boiling water four times and dropped the kettle twice throughout the telling of the tale that I wasn't quite sure whether to believe or not.

"That makes no sense," I mumbled.

He must have heard me for he said the following words, "Welcome to Greek mythology." I was in such a daze I didn't realize he had discovered my old laptop that had (somehow) exceeded its warranty, but not without functioning about as well as if you tried to convince Hera that one of Zeus's mortal affairs was innocent. That means that you had to slap it a few times and keep the charging cable in a specific way to actually have any sort of thing happening.

Word Count: 730

I actually don't really ship them, but I'm not against it. I just wanted a Seungmin personality, because we all need a bit of sarcasm in our lives. I am really trying to make the whole mythology ordeal simple enough for those that don't understand it. I also am really enjoying this project; I get to learn about a constellation and its myth. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! I already am making this an au where the people are under surveillance for some reason. Don't know why yet :) Lemme check my plans... yes, I do. ANYWAYS, I need a really tricky riddle please :3 Also, don't expect to get this long chapters always. This story is unraveling quite faster than I intended it to. I might split this chapter... I did huehue. Periods are a pain in the butt (quite literally). I would curse openly if I was allowed to, but *my mom* would ground me for eternity. I am sorry for the late update. All I got to say is that chapter six is funny. The story gets interesting in the next chapter, I PROMISE.

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