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Being forced to drive to an IRESELF testing facility in some sleek, expensive car while being squished in between two sweaty brutes was about as fun as when you go on a family trip to some cheap museum. Where the supposed "artifacts" are beginning to have dust layering on the surface of the plastic. Not to mention, I know the driver was slightly showing off when he revved the engine. No, I wasn't jealous. I don't care about cars. Plus, it's healthier to walk, anyway. I also happen to care about the environment, unlike certain people.

I was glumly looking out the window, watching the crowded city flash by. Even Seungmin seemed to have lost some of his usual spunk. The driver was humming a song under his breath that I recognized but couldn't quite remember. God, that's frustrating.

We arrived in front of a pair of gates that towered above us, casting a shadow darker than the hue of the car. They opened cleanly, only how well-oiled hinges could. A roundabout, like a courtyard, had in the center a single, bare oak tree standing, shivering with frost clinging to its branches. The tree looked about as cold as the atmosphere of the place. Everything looked gray, and I don't think it being the middle of January had anything to do with it.

A guy in a smoky robe opened the door for us. A name was stitched into the lapel. It read HYUNJIN. Wisps of long, black hair fell out of his tailored cap of sorts. He looked too graceful to be in such an angry place like here. No emotion was clear on his face. Maybe disgust? Not that I blame him. I wasn't really in my finest and Seungmin also wore some of my clothing. Except- The men from before kicked us (quite literally) out. I stumbled out and would've hit my head, if it hadn't been for the guy named Hyunjin. I saw something in his eyes. Sorrow. He felt bad for us.

Steel-Toed Guy lugged us over to room 0325, like it was nothing. He definitely worked out. Maybe he used some prisoners for his weight lifting. I hope not. Inside the room, a man in a lab coat sat with a laptop nestled comfortably on his lap. He had a name tag, just like Hyunjin. DR. HAN it read.

"Names?" Dr. Han asked. He seemed very jittery. Currently, he was occupied with a pen. Click, Click, Click. Not very safe for the laptop. "I am guessing one of you two is GamerBoiFELIXX, correct? That was the name in the Google Account the search was from." The embarrassment spread through me, causing a bit of a flush on my skin.

"That would be me," I squeaked. "My real name is Lee Yongbok." I knew they would go through some files. I just hoped Seungmin had one. "This is Kim Seungmin." I pointed over to him, praying that my finger wasn't visibly shaking. Put on your brave face, Felix.

A few taps on the keyboard later, and I heard someone say "The cheetah is fast. Its speed can get up to-" Pink dusted the doctor's face.

"Wrong one," He chuckled. A little while passed and his face paled. "No one that resembles the Seungmin here is shown. Only someone from 423 B.C. I think that was Ancient Greek times?" I slapped myself mentally. Now we would be in more trouble, because Seungmin's constellation buddies forgot the year we are currently in. "I don't even think we had this technology back then, so how is that possible?" Great. Just great.

Word Count: 604

I actually really like this chapter XD. I didn't plan to make Jinnie and Sungie these characters, but I think it fits. I AM SO SORRY AGAIN 😭 I had a really rough week, that's one. Two, the week before I completely forgot about updating since something came up :c pls forgive me. 

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