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Man in Black had a name tag this time. "CHANGBIN" it read. "Keep up," Changbin said in his officials voice. He kept in silence most of the way, which irked me. If I wasn't so scared and had the minimal bit of self-control I did, I would be blabbering about something that would surely embarrass me. Worst case scenario, I would resort to talk about the weather and ramble on about something unimportant and completely off-topic.

"Why didn't you put a blindfold on me?" I asked after some time.

"Because you're so scared of needles, I don't think you would ever want to go back here, anyway," he smirked. He had a point... However, isn't this a weakness? Maybe discussing it in the bathroom with Seungmin was a good idea. The bathroom had no security cameras, since they did value privacy. Definitely another unstable link in the fence. This wasn't some prison with a hole in the ground. It had more luxury than that, because they want to still care for those that might not be extraterrestrial. It might be based on blackmail, but they are still somewhat humane. Though, they did need to invest in better beds.

The hallway forked into two paths. Plaques on arrows were in the middle wall. We went left. Even if I wanted to run for it now, I didn't want to leave Seungmin. Plus, I probably wouldn't even get very far. I hope me and Seungmin (a.k.a. mainly Seungmin) can come up with a solution to get out of here.

We arrived in front of another boringly basic door labeled "LAB" in all capital letters. This was it. I tried to calm the drum beating, pounding inside that was floating to the middle of my throat. I will be fine. Everything will be okay. "Here is the patient, Lee Felix," Changbin announced to a woman with her back hunched over some petri dish, which I assumed was filled with some sort of research specimen.

"Please take a seat in that chair, for me," she said over her shoulder, again with that almost bored voice. Why does everyone have to be like this? I wish someone would at least have a sense of humor. Then again, if I had this job, I wouldn't be joking around either. I wouldn't even be here in the first place! "We will need your blood, get several X-rays, collect saliva, a bit of bone marrow-" I started zoning out after hearing about the bone marrow. "...and inject you with this serum," the doctor explained. She held up a ginormous needle filled with a bright blue fluid that sloshed around in the plastic. How will I do this? And how the hell will they extract bone marrow? I don't even want to know. To think this all happened because of a Google search...

Word Count: 476

A/N: I'm not super proud of this chapter tbh... it's kinda boring :c I wish you could see the chapter I just finished tho! It was pretty dramatic tho lol

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