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"Unless you tell me the name he would be under. While you think of that, let me check Yongbok," the man in the lab coat said.

"I prefer Felix," I corrected, out of habit. He gave a bit of a nod and then smiled brightly at his computer screen.

"It seems like you are in here, Felix. Education, occupation, height, weight, date of birth, and all the other data is all up to date and everything!" the doctor waved his hands in broad gestures. It must be difficult to find happiness in a place like this, I realized. I can respect his constant bubbly enthusiasm. "You will, however, still have to be tested," he sighed.

"Then what is the whole point of this?" Seungmin intervened. He did have a point, though. The ex-constellation actually seems like he cares. That's a rare sight to see for someone like him.

"I have no clue. I'm just doing what they tell me to," Dr. Han admitted. "I don't know anything past my job. Maybe something with security or the types of procedures? I just make the formulas for the vaccines and check on records, nothing more." That was bizarre. Wouldn't he know more about what surrounds him? Maybe his role wasn't important enough. My train of thought was stopped by a barrier, the guards. Steel-Toed Guy (who I noticed wears nothing but black) put a silky navy blindfold over my eyes.

"This will ensure you can't get to the start line of the building if the odds are in your favor. That is, if security fails its integrity," the man in black said. I started humming "Men in Black." Everyone looked at me weirdly.

I decided to break the tension by asking, "I am not very fluent in Korean. Could you please say that with some easier words please?"

"Basically, the blindfold is to make sure you can't retrace your steps if you do manage to break out." I nodded my head in understanding. Simple enough. They proceeded to throw us into a different room this time. It was very gray to say the least. I am sensing a pattern here (wink wink) . There were two twin cots pressed next to each against a wall. The walls were the color of ash. The bedsheets had a brown undertone and stone-cold from a vent above. Who thought that putting beds under a vent was a good idea? There was a separate, closed space I assumed was a bathroom. I swear, if they had forgotten about a bathroom, I would've protested. Seungmin flopped on one of the cots and winced.

"These are harder than they look," he said, rubbing his ribs. "What are we going to do now?"

"Good question."

Word Count: 459

Old A/N From About A Century Ago: I was listening to "Streetlight" by changbin so my emotions are very raw. One of the songs I can deeply relate to.

New A/N From How Ever Long It Is: don't hate me >< I've not been having any creative flow for 4 months and no motivation to write. BUT I got a new book idea last night AND motivation so 😗✌️ my brain isn't torturing me anymore lol

my one existent fan be like: WE LIKEY WE LIKEY LIKEY LIKEY (ugh such a good song; excuse me).

I also am getting back into my groove of wp in general... like I don't rlly look at announcements and the stories everyone posts (it might take a while I'm srry). Also my twitter is @/divdemieIf (the l is a capital i, but I also have another acc that has an l, not the i). follow me if you want to ig... also give me any Jisung or Felix ship you want to be in my new story. I JUST WANT TO START WRITING IT AND IDK WAHT SHIP TT but ily if you decided to still stick with my story 😊

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