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Okay, you might be wondering who I am referring to. "They" are an organization that obsess with finding aliens. They are called Identifying, Researching, and Exploiting Suspicious Emerging Life Forms or I.R.E.S.E.L.F. Funny how the term "ire" is another word for "anger." It basically means "anger self." I don't think they ever realized that's what it means. I am going to pretend that I knew that all along and Minnie didn't tell me.

They apparently blackmailed the Americas, all of Asia, and the Northern parts of Europe. How do I move on? This is getting awkward... I don't want to ask for help, because I know I can do this. Deep breaths. You've got this, Felix.

Moving back to the story (I am feeling slightly proud of myself), Seungmin insulted the guys very fiercely, but didn't really help. I also am happy he didn't do anything to make the situation worse like kicking one of them in an area I won't mention. I spoke too soon. I purely adored his fighting spirit, maybe it came from being chased for eternity. Seungmin squirmed, hit, beat, punched. I wasn't even sure what was going on, at one point. All I could see was a whirl of blood and teeth flying. I tried my best to wriggle out enough space to slam my foot into the guard's. That caused me to only yelp and mutter curses under my breath. Steel tips. Great.

"You think I wouldn't be prepared?" The guy chuckled.

Meanwhile, Minnie roundhouse kicked one of the other guys, driving his foot in his stomach. He clutched below his rib cage with a pained expression, making me almost feel bad for him. Almost. The possible alien I.R.E.S.E.L.F. (you know what, I am tired of typing periods. Let me just write "IRESELF") was after was successfully able to wrestle me out of the man holding me and knocked him out cold, like some of the others.

"Come," He said a single word and put me under his iron grip. I felt another presence behind me. Surely it was just my imagination. Seungmin's attention was fixed to the door, dragging me with him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," a voice emitted from where my back was turned. I froze dead in my tracks, so did the boy tugging me along. The man that spoke before clasped my arms and forced them on my back, pulling me out of Seungmin's grip. More men flooded in, binding us, keeping us from getting away. Tears swam in my eyes as I realized that my nightmares would be becoming a reality, after all. I was stupid to believe there was even a glimmer of hope in this situation.

Word Count: 465

I REALLY need a riddle, guys. This ending sounds so dark (like my soul)... I swear, I didn't mean for it to sound like this. Forgive me lol. ALSO I AM REALLY SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE AHHH I just basically was like: oh I can finish another chapter by Sunday huehue and then I realized today I probably wouldn't be able and should post so.... I also remade my carrd so it actually looks good :) 

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