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Things went... well. That's a lie, and we all know it. Seungmin was a chaotic mess. He looked so broken that it made my chest ache and my fingers twitch, itching to hug him. I wanted to see a smile blossom on his face. I wanted to see the relief in his eyes that everything was going to be fine. He seemed to care about my overall well-being, even if he hid it under a mask of carelessness. I guess I was the first person really there for him. Sure, he had his nebulas, but they weren't there for a very long time. Well, for a constellation.

Now, he was so raw and seemed to have no energy to keep the mask strong, because I already saw cracks forming. The pain was weathering at the exterior and so was it to my heart. I felt so bad. Forget the fact that he would probably push me away.

I couldn't bear to see his restless pacing any longer. I grabbed his shoulder and squeezed softly. His head swiveled toward my concerned expression, but not quite meeting my eyes. I used my other hand to tip his head up to let me settle my gaze into his warm eyes. We stood there in an examination cell, alone, unaware of the world. My heart danced around my chest like a prima ballerina, toes just barely grazing the surface of the ground with strands of ribbon swirling gracefully around. It felt like an entire performance with hundreds of delicate slippers forcing the stage, my heart, to be pressured to beat faster. Why? It must be from my fear. I curled my arms around his slim waist, tracing the contracting muscles.

"I am so sorry for making you worry. It's my fault. I made you worried, and now you have to deal with my stupid problems. I'm fine, trust me. I just..." I trailed off.

"It wasn't your fault. There is a reason for why you are so afraid. You don't have to tell me what it is," he broke me off as I opened my mouth to say something. "I just know that you might have gone through some traumatic experience and I can understand that. You don't have to tell me what happened. I just want to prevent a replay of a few hours ago. I don't want you to pass out or be worried about me. I can handle this. Just trust me."

"I do trust you," I croaked.

Seungmin, as blunt as always, replied, "Then act like it. Please just believe in yourself. Plus, thinking about it won't make it any better." He offered me a smile and held my hands reassuringly. I was ready to melt into a pile of mush with how he looked at me. He doesn't hate me.

As if on cue, the Man in Black unlocked the steel door (saving him from having to mop my human-mashed potatoes off the floor) and said in a monotone speech, "We need to test Lee Yongbok now. Please bring him to the door and do not attempt to use any form of weaponry such as but not limited to the physical body, knives, guns, etc. You should not even be in possession of these items, but if you still have any of the ones listed or others, you must hand them over promptly."

I hesitantly made my way over to the voice, giving a swift peek towards Seungmin's direction. He gave me a tiny eye smile to encourage me. I took a deep breath to help calm down a bit. Once again, going over the impatient guard. I hope this will go well. Well, as good as it could possibly be to be analyzed like some specimen. There would be needles. Stop thinking about it, like he said, I scolded myself.

Word Count: 642

I am really proud of how I wrote this :D I decided to add in a lil cute moment huehue I promised to update today because I ve been studying so... here! the first part of the exam went well ig

omg but while I was editing there was this one sentence which I didn't know what I even wrote-then I couldn't even remember what was going on TT

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