f o u r

100 7 13

tw // panic attack

Soon enough, I decided to maybe have regulations for the little constellation to follow.

"Hey, Seungmin? I wrote down a list of rules here-" My breath caught in my throat. Seungmin was on my computer, typing. Oh no... I basically leapt to the other side of the room. "What are you doing?" I wailed. He peered up and didn't meet my very concerned hazel eyes.

"I was just looking at how the thing they call 'Google' works. Everyone was talking about it at one point," he mumbled. This time, instead of acting devilish, he almost seemed innocent. It made my heart crumple in on itself, twisting itself into a detailed origami work. What was happening to me? I had asked myself.

"What did you search?" I questioned, after I had taken some control of whatever that was.

"Just how to get back up into the sky," he muttered, wringing his hands nervously. I said some things my mother would definitely not have been proud of. I knew what was coming. Them. They would soon be rattling at the door, finding a way to get in. The door would be kicked open and everything would go downhill from there.

I always gave others the impression that I was happy and carefree under my bright personality and jokes, but nothing could hide the panic and fear drowning me. The waters were rising, and my lungs were desperately gasping for air. Everything was becoming blurry and unfocused. They would take everything from me. I would become nothing but one of their measly test subjects, prodded with pins and needles and scanned with countless heavy machinery. "Hey." It was just one word that got in through the tides and made their way to my ears. It was a line, a string that led back to the voice. "Are you good?" How would I be okay? I had trypanophobia, the fear of needles. They never spared even little kids messing around, so how were we going to be fine? "Breathe, Felix. You're going to pass out." Such caring words. Maybe gulping a few gusts of air, wouldn't be so bad. "I don't know what to do. Felix! Snap out of it." Maybe tugging on the string connected to these desperate words could do something, but why crawl up when I feel so heavy? "There are some guys in all black banging on the door! Felix, please." That was the final thing that turned me from a lead weight at the bottom of the sea into a buoy bobbing on the crashing waves. I must have been out for a while for them to be already looking for their newest research project, us.

All I managed out of my raspy throat was, "They're here."

Word Count: 458

My goal is to have at least 450 words in a chapter :) which doesn't seem like a lot, I know. Writing so many chapters in little time can be a lot sometimes. Sorry for the late update. I was just finishing up chappie seven :D and I have my very badly done carrd here (please interact with me; in comments) and then we have this for ssd :) : 

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