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"Felix... Felix...." I felt a sharp cold, almost a pain on my face. There was some sort of solid objects and moisture. I slowly began blinking my eyes open. Had I been knocked out? I didn't recall that ever happening. Where was I? Slowly the blurs past my eyelashes started coming into focus. Memories of everything rushed into my brain, hurrying to be the center of my attention; one thought colliding with the other. You could say it felt like rush hour in my head.

"YOU DUMPED ICE WATER ON MY HEAD?!" I croaked. Ouch. My voice sounds like that old, rusty music box my dad used to have. The doctor cringed at the sound almost as much as I did.

"Sounding like that... it's a common side effect, don't worry. It should be good in an hour or so. You just have to use it for a little while," Dr. Han tried to cheer me up.

"When will the tests come in?" I asked, hoping my voice wouldn't sound so broken.

"The results should be ready in the next 36 hours. For now, you have to stay in your room. I'm sure you want your friend to come with you, so you might need to wait extra," he explained. I nodded along.


Back in the room, I sat lazily on the bed, swinging my socked feet back and forth. I eventually hit my heel against the bed frame, wincing. I groaned and flopped back onto the bed. This might take a while. I stared at the gray wall (is anyone even surprised at this point?) and waited for Seungmin's arrival. I daydreamed about being able to actually spend time with my temporary companion. What would it even be like to spend time with someone like Seungmin? I thought back to the time he encouraged me. Maybe that's what it's like. To know he was soft-hearted reassured me in some way.

I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing that happened was a pillow hitting me square across the face. That woke me up real well. I was very close to attacking whoever had done that. Seungmin snickered at me and motioned for me to eat breakfast. My gaze softened, and I reluctantly joined him. He looked at me worriedly, and I gave him a questioning look. He pointed towards my legs. They were turning as blue as the serum and were sparkly? This was something I needed to discuss with Dr. Han.

Seungmin chuckled when I stomped over to the door and banged my fist on it. Changbin opened the slit on the steel and sent me an annoyed look.

"What?" He grunted.

"I must talk to the doctor," I demanded.

"No," he said, seeming unbothered. "I'm guessing your legs are glittery? It's another side effect. Don't worry too much about it." Another one? How many side effects were there?

I huffed, exasperated. I couldn't think of a good comeback, so I shuffled back to Seungmin.

"It suits you, though." I glared at Seungmin who only gave me a teasing glare back.

"Also, the test results should be back soon," Changbin pointed out.

Word Count: 525

A/N: I know I haven't been on time with my updates :c so I will give you a double update and that is mainly bc someone yelled at me to update djsnsnzn so... also I highly recommend tokyo ghoul hehe

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