After (End)

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Dad and I had to move out of our house. We wanted to start anew, and all the memories there were making it hard to do that. 

Dad helped me get all the paperwork in order to legally change my name, Tsukki was there when we filed everything, watching as all my records changed. 

Having the whole city know I'm trans didn't really affect me all that much, other than there were more whispers around me than normal, but my teammates were there to block them out, and after a month most of them died away. 

While I didn't live with Tsukki anymore, we still spent as much time as possible together. I felt happy that I could spend time with him out of school without it being because I needed to get away from my mother. She wasn't around anymore to tell me I couldn't go out, or that my friends sucked and were edging me on. 

I was able to get a binder that fit well, one that didn't squeeze my ribcage and constrict my lungs. 

I wasn't scared anymore. I didn't have to worry about being called a harsh slur from my family and closest friends. I didn't have to be scared about being outed to everyone (mostly because there was no one else to tell). My friends were supportive, constantly making sure I was ok and comfortable. 

Noya and Tanaka even asked if there was a 'bronoun' I prefered better, I ended up telling them that anything masculine was fine. 

"Alright dude, my man! I'll keep that in mind, bro!" Noya said, smiling widely. 

"Dude! You're doing it too much!" Tanaka said, slapping him on the arm lightly. I laughed at their antics while Tsukki pinched the bridge of his nose behind me. 

I still had to talk to the counselor a lot, 'Unpacking my traumas' and the like, but I was fine with it. I knew Tsukki would always be waiting outside the door when it was done. 

You know those sayings where people tell you "It'll get better"? Well it does. Soon you'll grow up, you'll be able to do things on your own, you can move out, or find a different place to stay. You'll be able to cut those people out of your life that say you aren't good enough, or that you're doing something wrong. You'll be able to be your own person, and do things that make you feel like yourself, whether that be to transition, or proudly share your sexual identity. Maybe even just get that tattoo or hair dye that you want. 

Things change, and time will heal all wounds. I have friends who accept me for who I am, and a boyfriend who has already shown he will stick by my side through the thick and the thin. 

I've never been more free than I am now, and I'm glad Tsukki helped me get here. I don't know where I'd be without him. 

Thank you guys so much for reading! I had so much fun writing this book, and all your comments made me so happy to read! I hope to continue making content that people like, and I will be making other Haikyu!! books in the future. Please vote and share so this book can reach more people, and if you have any suggestions about how to make the book better I would love to hear it! 

I love you all, and I hope you have a good day!


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