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I felt good enough to go to school again. Tsukishima-san was elated at my request to go to school and quickly got ready to drive us. 

I grabbed Tsukki's hand as we walked up to the building, entwining our fingers. He seemed surprised but quickly held my hand back. 

"You sure you're ready to tell them?" he whispered to me, and I nodded determinedly. 

As soon as we walked closer to the area where the team would hang out before class, people jumped at us and wrapped us in a giant hug. 

"Tadashi! how are you feeling?" Suga and Daichi asked at the same time. 

"I'm doing better," I smiled, and I noticed a few people let out a breath of air at the comment. 

"That's amazing! We're all glad you're here Tadashi!" Daichi said, prying the other teammates off of me. I linked hands with Tsukki again, our contact being broken when people tackled us in a hug. 

"OH MY GOD SALTISHIMA GOT A BOYFRIEND!!!" Hinata screamed, his mouth in an O shape. Everyone's eyes instantly locked onto our hands, everyone but Kageyama breaking out into a smile. Suga slyly looked over at Daichi, whose smile faded when he saw Suga's face. 

"Damn, I forgot," He muttered before handing over a 20. 

"Congrats guys," Asahi smiled gently, clapping Tsukki on the back. 

"Who would have thought Stingyshima would date the supper nice Tadashi?" Hinata laughed, immediately getting elbowed in the side by Suga. 

"How could you not expect it!? They've been friends since they were kids, and they were super close lately!" Suga explained. My face turned bright red as they all contemplated Tsukki and my relationship. I started shifting my weight from foot to foot as I listened to them talk about us right in front of us. 

"Guys, shut up," Tsukki growled, his hold on my hand tightening. Everyone clamped their mouths together, giving us an apologetic look. 

"So, Tadashi! What's Tsukki like in boyfriend mode?" Noya piped up. My mind went back to my breakdown when he comforted me and helped me brush my hair, the same day we went to see my dad and he made sure to look professional in front of my father. 

"He's super sweet and understanding! I don't know how I would have gotten out of my dark patch without him," I smiled, looking down at the floor. Everyone awwed, calling it cute and unexpected from Tsukki. 

"You've been staying with him, right?" Hinata asked, and I suddenly felt really cautious of what he was going to say next but nodded nonetheless. 

"What's his family like!?" He cried out. I felt Tsukki start to pull me away, shaking his head. 

"His mom is really nice! His brother has awful timing!" I yelled to the group before he fully pulled me away. Everyone thought about the last part of my statement for a minute before busting out in either laughter or "oh my god, they did it". 

Everyone watched me in the halls, whispering to their friends. I could hear conversations about my trial, and people saying "That's the trans guy that was abused by his mom." Though, the people saying "I never knew he was trans, he passes so well" really made my day. 

Tsukki pulled me closer to him, also hearing all the whispering in the halls. Though, someone stepped in front of us and made us freeze. 

"You're the person from the news, the trans one whose mom abused them. I'm going to say this once, your mom was in the right, she should have finished you off," They growled, and I watched as Tsukki stepped forward, his fist clenched and ready to swing, but he didn't need to. 

"Yo! What the hell! You Transphobic asshole!" Someone yelled. 

"Why would you say that?" Someone else asked. 

"Nodia, you're the worst person ever," One of his friends yelled, grabbing him by the arm and dragging him away. A girl came up to us, parts of anger and worry on her face. 

"Are you ok? He's an asshole, don't listen to him! We're all really sorry about what happened," she said in a calming voice. I gave her and the few other students around a smile. 

"It's fine, his words didn't really faze me," I said. 

"That's good! I'm sure you got some good friends who can help you," She smiled, patting me on the arm. 

"He does, come on, Tadashi," Tsukki said, pulling me away. I waved to the students before following Tsukki. 

"What was that for?" I asked him, frowning slightly.

"She was getting really close to you," He growled. 

"Really? I didn't notice. Wait, were you jealous?" I ask, looking up at Tsukki. 

"No, I just don't want her acting chummy with you, you're mine," Tsukki growled. I twisted my face up. 

"Firstly, I don't belong to anyone, secondly, I'm dating you! Why would I want someone else?" I smiled up at him. 

"That's not what I meant when I said you were mine," He said in a small voice, guilt flashing on his face. 

"I know, it was just the way you said it," I chuckled. "I love you, Kei," I smirked, watching as his face went red. 

"I-I love you too, Tadashi,"

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