cat and crow

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Today was the Nekoma game, and I could tell some of the members were on edge, including Coach Ukai. 

Everyone got ready in silence, Daichi tried to cheer them up, but everyone was nervous, and coach Ukai seemed stressed. 

Some of their members were quite alike to ours, like they had an almost exact copy of Tenaka, and they had a team mom just like Suga. 

It didn't take them long before they found a plan to go against Hinata. They got a blocker to follow him, and even confined him to one area. That Kenma guy was crazy smart! Even pulling a trick on Tsukki to make him think he was going to set one direction, then throwing the ball another. 

Nekoma ended up taking the first set, their number 7 learning Hinata's moves. I could tell Hinata was taking his opponent blocking him hard, but I knew he could figure it out. 

What I didn't expect him to do was open his eyes. They were trying something new in the middle of the match. It was risky, but if we figured it out it would make us stronger. 

Just watching them caused me to be restless and energetic. My leg bounced and I started fiddling with my fingers. I was nervous for them, and seeing Hinata so tired wasn't helping. Though, his speed didn't seem to be slowing down. 

Our points were so close, and the chance balls were driving me crazy! But in the end, we lost the second set too, resulting in Nekoma winning the game. 

Hinata called a rematch, everyone was exhausted by the end of it. I was sore just watching them run. Tsukki looked ready to collapse at any minute. 

The two teams started really bonding after the match, though our team seemed to be scaring most of theirs. 

Tanaka and his twin even started getting emotional during the goodbyes, and Daich and coach found their rivals. The whole process was crazy. During the drive home, everyone slept, Tsukki ended up slumping over and resting his head on my shoulder. It didn't seem too comfortable considering I was so much shorter than him, but I didn't dare move him. My mind was panicking, and my heart was beating so fast. 

Coach Ukai ended up laughing at me from the rearview mirror, probably thinking my scared face was funny. Coach Ukai ended up just driving everyone home, starting with Daichi, then Asahi, Nishinoya, Sugawara, Tenaka, and so on. Soon it was just me, Tsukki, and Hinata, and my stop was coming up.

I shook Tsukki awake whispering to him that I had to get out. He lazily looked around until he saw my house and his expression darkened. 

"I'm going in with you," he slurred, but I shook my head. 

"No, your not," I told him, trying to get him to move so I could squeeze by him and out of the car. 

"Yes, I'm going to show that bitc-" 

"Tsukki, no. Now get out of the way," I said, my voice more demanding. He looked at me for a second before obeying and letting me leave. Coach Ukai was giving me a weird look, but I shrugged it off. I unlocked the door to the house and quietly walked inside. 

My mother was waiting for me in the kitchen. 

"How was your game, Kimiko?" My mother asked, turning to me with an evil smirk. 

"Fine, we lost, but our team is growing a lot," I said, trying for a smile. 

"I still don't know why you're part of the boy's team, shouldn't you be part of the girl's team? They even benched you, didn't they? That just shows that you're not qualified to be on the boy's volleyball team," my mother smirked. 

"I'm actually getting better with my serves and receives! Even one of our star players, Hinata, thinks so!" I said, ignoring her comments about the girl's volleyball team. 

"Sweety, you know I love you, which is why I'm just looking out for your best interest. Wouldn't it be easier to switch to the girl's team? You still have your girlish qualities, I'm sure they would love you, even if you are a fag! You're my only daughter, I just want to see you go far in your life!" My mother said, an innocent and caring tone in her voice, but I knew it was a cover-up. Her words still hit me though, and not just because of her harmful slur. I kept thinking the same thing too, if I should join the girl's volleyball team instead of the boys. But Tsukki's voice kept coming back to me. 

"I want to follow my team all the way though! I know they'll make it far this year!" I said, excitement bubbling up inside me. 

"Sweety, you don't add anything to the team," She drawled out, her voice still smooth. 

"Not yet maybe, but if someone on the team needs a break, then I'll do my best to fill their spot!" I said, smiling. 

"Then I might just have to have a little talk with your principal tomorrow, tell him how I don't think changing your name and gender on your school file is a good idea, and how you shouldn't be allowed to compete in the boy's volleyball team. I tell him you're just a worthless tranny" My mother said, turning her back on me and walking to her room. I stared at her back as she left, dread filling inside of me. 

I couldn't tell if she was bluffing or not, she had a straight face, but she normally said threats like this as a way of reeling me back under her control. I didn't know what to believe, and I was scared of what might come tomorrow. 

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