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Tsukishima-san drove us to school the next day after I spent the night. I didn't want to go home so Tsukki let me stay with him. I texted my dad asking what happened and if mom calmed down, but didn't get anything in responce. 

Class went by quickly, Tsukki made sure to spend as much time with me as possible, which wasn't much different than what he already did. We sat with the team during lunch like always, but Tsukki reached over and held onto my hand under the table, making sure no one could see it. 

"You two seem happier than usual, even Tsukishima seems to be in a good mood! Did something happen?" Noya asked, the rest of the team glancing over at us too. I looked to Tsukki, sharing a small smirk with him before we both srugged our shoulders. 

"How's your Jump float serve going?" Daichi asked, changing the subject. 

"I think I'm getting the hang of it! Shimada-san's been teaching me a lot!" I say, smiling widely. 

My phone vibrated and I fished it out of my pocket, looking down at the message. My heart dropped and my smile disappeared. My hand was shaking slightly as I shot up from my seat. I gave Tsukki a worried look before I ran off into the halls, looking for a quiet place. I heard people call after me, but I didn't care.

Mom: You're next, fag

I found a secluded spot in the halls and dialed my dad's number. He wasn't texting me back, and now my mom's saying I'm next. Did she hurt him? Is he alright? 

I saw Tsukki run up to me while I was pacing, the phone held tightly to my ear as I listened to the ringing. I knew I was muttering, but even I wasn't sure what I was saying. 

"Tadashi, what's wrong?" Tsukki asked, watching me with worried and concerned eyes. 

"I think my mom did something to my dad," I whispered out, my voice breaking halfway through. 

"What do you mean? Why would you say that?" Tsukki took a step closer to me, his eyes scanning me for answers. 

"I got a text from my mom saying that I'm next, and I haven't heard anything from my dad all day," I explained, tears starting to stream down my face. 

"Should we get the principal? She's starting to threaten you physically. I don't want you to get hurt," Tsukki said, stepping forward and grabbing onto my shoulders, stopping me from pacing. I felt all the emotions I've been repressing for weeks bubble to the surface. I felt anger and pain, none directed to Tsukki, but I felt the need to let them out.  

"Shes been doing that for weeks! I need to know if my dad's alright!" I yelled, not realizing what I said. Tsukki looked at me with wide eyes, his mind absorbing the information I just gave him. 

"What?" He asked softly, his voice small. I cringed, trying to shrug his hands of my shoulders but he held on strong. 

"It's nothing, please let go," I tried, squirming under his gaze. 

"What did she do to you?" Tsukki's voice was strong now, and I could tell he was livid. 

"Nothing too bad," I tried, but Tsukki wasn't having it. 

"What. did. she. do. to. you," He demanded, his hold on my shoulders tightening. 

"It was mainly slaps, or pushing me to the ground. Sometimes she would throw stuff at me," I muttered, my eyes locked onto the ground. Tears were falling from my face faster now, soaking into my shirt and dripping onto the floor. Tsukki pulling me into a tight hug which I hesitently gave back. 

The call dropped so I loosly wrapped my arms around Tsukki, crying into his chest. We stayed like that for a while before I calmed down enough. 

"You should have told me," He whispered in my ear. 

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