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I opened the door and slowly walked in. My dad's eyes snapped to me and I watched as his face lit up. 

"Tadashi!" He yelled, making my eyes tear up. I ran to him, hugging him to me as his good arm rubbed my back. 

"She was arrested," I whispered to him. 

"I know, They found your blood on the remains of the glass bottle she broke on your head, and I explained everything she did. Of course, the photos they sent in of your bruises were a huge help," He explained. My dad's eyes found something behind me. 

"You're the Tsukishimas, right?" he asked. 

"Yes sir," Tsukishima-san said, walking forward. She shook hands with my dad and Tsukki stood next to me, our hands brushed together and I grabbed it, entwining our fingers. He puffed his chest out slightly at the action, and I smiled to myself.

"And you must be Tsukki!" My dad said, turning to us. His eyes found our hands quickly, his eyes snapping to them like they were a beacon, only making him smile wider. "I hope you're taking good care of my son," He said, raising an eyebrow as he held out his hand. Tsukki quickly shook it, putting on a strong face for my father. 

"Yes sir, I do what I can," Tsukki answered. 

"I expect as much," My dad laughed before his gaze locked on me again. "How have you been, with all of this, I mean," He asked, his voice gentle like it normally is. I looked down at the ground as I remembered my breakdown earlier today. 

"It's been hard," I decided, not being able to find the right words. 

"That's understandable. But things should get better from now on," He said. "How's your team?" He changed the topic, trying to lighten the mood. 

"They've been very supportive. I haven't really practiced in a while, but they've been accepting," I said, my dad nodding along. 

"Do they know?" He asked. 

"Yeah, mom showed up at practice and outed me to the team, even tried to hit my captain," I said weakly. 

"She hit another kid?!" My dad exclaimed, his eyes wide as he sat up farther in the bed. 

"No sir, Tadashi stepped in before she could. He caught her hand before she could make contact," Tsukki said, speaking up. My dad looked at me with mixed feelings shown on his face, but I recognized pride as the biggest one. 

"You stood up to her?" He asked. I shifted uncomfortably where I stood. 

"Yeah," I said, but it came out as more of a question. 

"And what did she do?" He asked. 

"Coach Ukai and Takeda-sensei threw her out of the gym, that was the last time I saw or heard from her," I said softly. My dad's face broke out into a huge grin as his arms reached out and grabbed me, pulling me to him. 

"You stood up to her! For one of your teammates!" He said as he hugged me. "I'm so proud of you, Tadashi!" I buried my face into his chest, but I refused to cry again, I've already cried too much. 

We continued talking, Tsukishima-san talking about how I was staying with them, and Tsukki answering all of my dad's questions. 

Both Tsukki and my phones went off. We looked at each other before opening the team group chat. 

Hinata: Yama! you're on the news! 

He sent a video of the local news station covering a story about a mother abusing her trans child. I watched as the news reporter kept referring to me in the female pronouns, saying "Her daughter" and the like. I felt my heart stop as I realized our whole city would now know I was trans. I felt as my hands started shaking, dropping my phone onto the ground. The loud bang caught my dad and Tsukishima-san's attention. Tsukki was quick to step in front of me, crouching down slightly so he could look into my eyes. 

"Take a deep breath, it's ok," He said, speaking softly and clearly for me to understand. 

"They know, the whole city knows," I muttered, my hands yanking on my hair. Tsukki quickly pulled my hands down, holding them in his. 

"It's ok, we won't let them say anything," Tsukki reassured. Our phones kept chiming, but we ignored it for the time being. 

"What's happening? What's going on?" My dad asked, looking at me with panic. 

"The news is covering Tadashi's case, telling the whole city he's trans. She also kept using female pronouns," Tsukki explained without taking his eyes off me. I took a shaky breath as I tried to calm my erratic heartbeat. I picked my phone up from the floor and looked at the new messages. Most of them were angry that the reporter disregarded my pronouns, but one message caught me off guard. 

Asahi: Look at the comments! There's a lot of people talking about how they know Yamaguchi, and correcting the reporter on his pronouns! Some are saying their condolences to the Yamaguchi family as well 

I felt my breath leave my body as I quickly went back to the video, swiping through the comments. Some were homophobic, but I ignored them as I read the supportive ones. Tsukki read the comments from over my shoulder, our eyes scanning as many as possible. I read a few out loud for my father and Tsukishima-san. I felt tears drip down my face as a small smile fought its way across my mouth. 

"They're supportive," I whispered out, my voice breaking halfway through. 

"Of course they are, not everyone is Transphobic," Tsukki said, his hand rubbing my back. 

Sugamama: Tadashi? Are you ok? 

I smiled at the text, wiping the tears from my eyes. 

Me: Yeah, it sucks that everyone knows now, but most of the comments are supportive. I didn't think so many people would accept me and stand up for me like that

Hinata: My favorite comment someone left was "His pronouns are He/Him! Respect them or die!" 

Kageyama: Hinata Boke! 

I chuckled at the comment, looking up to my dad with tears still dotting my eyes. 

"Are you ok?" He asked carefully, still on edge. 

"Yeah, the comments were mostly supportive. Though, everyone knows now. I'm completely out," I sighed, wringing my hands. Tsukki grabbed one of my hands, squeezing it in his large ones. 

"It doesn't matter, we still accept you," He said in a low voice. I watched as my father's face lit up at his words. 

"You're a good man, Tsukishima," He said softly. 

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