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Slight Lime, only making out and hickeys

When we got back home it was dark and Tsukishima-san said we could do whatever we wanted until she made dinner. Tsukki grabbed my hand and led me to his room, moving slowly so I could keep up. He placed me on his bed and shut the door behind him. 

The bed dipped as Tsukki sat down next to me. My eyes were locked on him; I found that I couldn't look away, though, it wasn't like I wanted to. 

He slowly brought his hand up, hesitantly bringing it closer to my cheek like he was afraid he was doing something wrong. I grabbed his hand, bringing it closer so it was cupping my cheek. I watched as his face turned bright red, his eyes lingering on where our hands were touching. I chuckled at him, leaning closer to plant a kiss on his lips. 

With all the drama and hectic events lately, we haven't really done anything couple-y, and I know Tsukki's been hesitant about it because of my emotional turmoil. I want him to feel comfortable around me, and my breakdowns and emotional baggage aren't helping. He was my boyfriend, and he was doing so much for me already. 

Tsukki deepened the kiss, his right hand staying on my cheek while his left cupped my hip. I wrapped my arms around his neck, my fingers running through his hair and pressing into his scalp. I knew he was too scared to go the next step, too scared of hurting me or freaking me out. 

I pressed on his chest, pushing him back into the bed. He looked up at me with wide eyes, surprise clear on his face. I know I've always been submissive, but I felt at ease. I knew Tsukki loved me, and I loved him back. 

I straddled the giant of a man, sitting on his stomach as I leaned down and kissed him again. His hands found their way on my back, his fingers exploring my sides. Tsukki's kisses trailed from the side of my mouth, to my chin, down my neck, to the little bit of my chest that was showing. My breath caught in my throat as his lips tickled my skin. He pulled back and looked at me, his eyes looking into mine with worry written across his face. 

"I don't want to hurt you," He whispered, his voice gravely and quiet, guilt shining in his eyes. I smiled down at him, feeling more confident than I have in a while. 

"You would never hurt me, I know you wouldn't. There is nothing you can do that would hurt me," I told him, my words being completely honest. My mother messed me up in more than one way, and I know that. But Tsukki could never trigger anything like that in me. Sure other people could move too fast and the image of my mother would show up and I'd flinch away, but that doesn't happen with Tsukki. He made me feel safe and secure. I knew he would never do anything that would hurt me, and he would protect me from others. 

To prove it, I leaned down to his neck, my teeth grazing against his skin. I heard him hum, his arms locking around me and pulling me closer to him. His mouth latched onto my collarbone, sucking on the skin to the point where I had a hickey resting right where my neck met my chest. I closed my eyes and focused on how close we were, his breath tickling my neck and making my face hot.  

Tsukki latched our lips together again, his tongue exploring my mouth. I groaned against his mouth, my chest fluttering and my head feeling light. I felt him smile from under me, just making my euphoria grow. 

"Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi! While I'm happy to see Yama happy again, could you wait until marriage for our dear old mother?" Akiteru broke the moment, bursting into the room, and laughing at our position. 

"What the hell Akiteru!" Tsukki cried out, sitting up and pushing me back into his lap, his arms wrapping around my back to keep me from falling off the bed. 

"Hey, you're the one that didn't lock the door," He shrugged. 

"My door doesn't have a lock, and you didn't knock!" Tsukki glared. I felt laughter bubble up in my chest, exploding out of me. I gripped my stomach as I fell to the side, off of Tsukki. Tears welled in my cheeks, and it felt amazing to really laugh again. 

I took a few deep breaths before I noticed the other's faces. They were watching me with surprised faces, Tsukki's hand covering his mouth as his eyes became glossy. 

"What?" I asked, suddenly very self-conscious of myself. Tsukki lounged at me, his arms wrapping tightly around my chest as he buried his face in my neck. 

"I haven't heard you laugh in so long," he said quietly. I smiled gently and hugged him back as much as I could, that is, he had my hands pinned at my sides. 

"Alright, I'll admit, that was cute. But dinner's ready," Akiteru said, breaking the moment yet again. Tsukki sighed, pulling away slightly only to rest his forehead against my shoulder. 

"Akiteru, I swear to God," Tsukki warned. 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm leaving. But I'm really happy for you guys," He smiled at me before exiting the room, leaving the door open behind him. I let out a chuckle, holding Tsukki close. 

"You're getting better," Tsukki breathed out. 

"I am," I agreed lightheartedly. 

"I'm proud of you, Tadashi," Tsukki whispered, and I felt as if I would glow. 

"Thank you, Tsukki," I smiled. 

"You know, we're dating, you can call me Kei," He said, pulling away and looking up at me. "I've been calling you Tadashi for years," 

"I know, but I've been calling you Tsukki since we were kids. It's kinda sentimental. Do you want me to call you Kei instead?" I asked, but he shook his head. 

"Call me Tsukki, just know that you can call me Kei as well," He smiled, standing up and pulling me with him. 

We walked downstairs in each other's arms, his arm around my shoulder while I hugged his waist close to me. 

"Tadashi! How are you feeling?" Tsukishima-san asked when we entered the living room. 

"I'm good," I said, smiling brightly at her. I watched as she stared at me with wide eyes before getting a hold of herself and looking away. 

"I'm glad to hear that! You know, Akiteru shared an interesting story just now..." She trailed off, making Tsukki and I turn beet red. 

"Snitch," Tsukki growled at his brother. 

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