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The whole day I was on edge, whenever someone walked into the classroom my stomach would drop, and I was just waiting for "Kimiko Yamaguchi, please come to the front office," to blast over the speakers. I couldn't focus on anything the teacher was saying, and I knew Tsukki was starting to get worried.

Lunchtime came and I nervously made my way to lunch. My stomach was twisted in knots and I didn't know what to do about it. 

"Tadashi!" Tsukki's voice shouted from behind me. He sounded mad, and it made me shake where I stood. I couldn't have Tsukki mad at me and the threat of the whole school finding out I'm trans hanging over my head!

Tsukki stormed over to me and grabbed my wrist, pulling me down a secluded hall where he stopped and finally spoke. 

"What's going on with you?" He asked, his voice angry. 

"I-I'm sorry, Tsukki!" I rushed out, my whole body shaking at this point. 

"Don't apologize, just explain!" Tsukki took a step forward and I took a step back, making contact with the wall behind me. 

"When I got home last night my mom was doing her usual thing, but she said something about going to the principal today. S-She was go-going to get my pron-ouns cha-nged back, and have me ki-cked off the boy's volleyball," I explained, tears starting to stream down my cheeks. 

Tsukki slowly stepped forward and pulled me in a hug. I immediately wrapped my arms around him, burying my face in his chest. He rubbed circles into my back as I cried. 

"I won't let anything happen, she's made threats before, maybe that's all this is," Tsukki whispered in my ear, his hot breath tickling my neck. 

I looked up at him, my face flushed bright red as my stomach twisted in knots and my skin tickled where he touched me. I noticed Tsukki's face getting red too, his eyes shifting downwards towards my mouth. 

Our faces grew closer together, our breaths fanning across each other's face. I was terrified but excited at the same time, my nervousness from my mother got replaced by my nervousness for whatever was happening right now. 

Tsukki's lips made contact with mine, my heart practically exploding from the touch. We moved together, my hand snaking around his neck as his hands gripped my waist and pulled me closer. Our lips synchronized and my hands got tangled in his short blond hair. I felt as light as a feather, and my legs were weak, but Tsukki helped keep me upright. 

He pushed me against the wall behind me, his hands trailing up and down my sides. We pulled away, gasping for air as our eyes lingered on each other's lips. I watched as Tsukki's eyes widened as he took a step back, the heat of his body gone. 

"I apologize, that was awful timing, I shouldn't have done that, you were upset and I took advantage," Tsukki said, his hardass personality back in place. 

"Don't apologize, I kissed back," I muttered, scratching the back of my neck. 

"I should go to class," Tsukki muttered, turning to leave. 

"Tsukki!" I called after him, he glanced at me over his shoulder, "I liked it," I said, my face turning bright red again. He smirked at me before continuing to walk, leaving me alone in the secluded halls, waiting for the bell to ring, signifying the end of lunch. 

My mind went into overdrive and I started pacing the halls, my mind reeling over what I just did. Not only did Tsukki kiss me, I then proceeded to tell him that I liked it! How stupid could I be! I'm sure that smirk was him laughing at me, not him telling me that he felt the same way! Things were most likely going to be awkward between us now, and I couldn't afford to lose my closest friend now, right as my mom threatened to out me to the whole school! 

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