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I ducked as a book was thrown at my head, it crashing into the wall behind me. 

"When will your damned delusion stop, Kimiko?!" My mother screamed at me from where my dad was desperately holding her back. I already had blood trickling down from my hairline where a glass cup was shattered on my head. 

"Kimiko, go to one of your friend's houses!" my father told me, still using my dead name in order to not make my mother more pissed than she already was. I quickly ran out of the house, not knowing where to go. 

Tsukki was close, but if I showed up with glass in my hair and blood on my face he would be suspicious, and I really didn't want him to know. I instead walked to the nearest store and asked to use their restrooms. 

I cleaned all the glass out of my hair, spraying water on my face and cleaning as much of the blood as I could. When I looked like I didn't crack my skull with a glass bottle I turned to leave the store. I ignored the worried eyes of the cashier, and instead started my way towards Tsukki's house. 

I knocked hesitantly on the door, shifting my feet as I heard someone walk up. The door opened and Akiteru looked down at me. 

"Hey, Tsukki! Your dates here!" he yelled over his shoulder, making my face go bright red and my stomach to churn more than it already was. 

"The hell are you talking about?" Tsukki yelled back. 

"Yamaguchi!" He replied before letting me inside. I took off my shoes at the entrance while Tsukki walked into the room. He took one look at my face then rushed over. 

"Are you ok?" He asked, looking into my eyes. I gave a small nod, trying to find my voice. 

"Mom's getting a little hard to handle," I mutter, not wanting to go into more detail. Tsukki nodded understandingly. 

"Is everything alright?" Akiteru asked, worry plastered onto his face. I nodded, smiling softly up at him. 

"Everything's fine, we'll be in my room, tell mom Tadashi's here," Tsukki said, already pulling me up the stairs and into his room. 

Tsukki sat me on his bed, him taking the spot next to me. I immediately rested my head on his shoulder, the stinging pain in my scalp kicking up again. He wrapped one of his arms around my waist, the other around my shoulder, holding me closer to him. 

"I'm sorry," I mutter quietly. Tsukki looked down at me, but I didn't meet his eyes. 

"Don't be, you shouldn't be sorry for something like this, I'll always be here to help you," Tsukki whispered to me, holding me tighter. I slowly glanced up at him, locking eyes with the taller male. We stared into each other's brown eyes, our faces slowly growing redder by the second. 

I felt my breath catch as Tsukki glanced down to my lips, me doing the same to his. We slowly grew closer, Tsukki leaning down while I stretched my neck upwards to meet him. I felt nerves and anxiety pooling inside me, growing until it felt like a tsunami. 

I closed the distance between us, pressing my lips against his, our mouths moving in sync. We shifted our positions so my arms were wrapped around his neck and his hands were pulling my waist closer to him. He cupped my cheek in his hand, no doubt feeling how warm my face was. 

I found myself combing my fingers through his hair. Tsukki lightly bit my lip, causing me to gasp and part my lips. His tongue explored my mouth, my tongue fighting his for dominance, though we both knew he would win. 

After a minute we broke apart, panting against each other. I found myself chuckling lightly, slowly turning into full-on laughter. Tsukki looked down at me with confusion swirling in his face before he too broke out into a small smile, his shoulders shaking slightly with laughter of his own. 

I leaned myself against his chest, figuring this might as well happen after kissing three times. We stayed like that for a while, his arms wrapped around my waist while I listened to his fast heartbeat. I felt warm and light, completely different from how I felt while at home, dodging objects while blood leaked into my vision. 

"What's happening?" Tsukki asked, his voice rumbling in his chest. I glanced up at him. 

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

"What's happening with us? I mean, we kissed three times, and I feel happy with you. Are we more than friends? And if so, how much more?" Tsukki explained, making my face heat up again. I didn't exactly know, but I was pretty sure we were more than just friends. 

"Do you want to be more than friends?" I asked carefully, not really sure if I wanted to know the answer. 

"I-I mean, do you?" he asked, and I furrowed my eyebrows at him. 

"I asked first," I pouted, causing him to chuckle. It was silent for a few seconds while he thought through his answer. 

"Yeah, I do," He said finally, making my heart speed up. 

"Me too," I said softly with a small smile. His face lit up as he leaned down and planted a quick kiss on my lips, making my heart flutter. 

"Does this mean we're dating now?" I felt stupid for having to ask the question, but Tsukki's smile told me I liked the answer. 

"If that's alright with you," He laughed. I quickly nodded my head, only making him laugh more. 

"Could we not go public yet? Like, I don't think we should hide it, but maybe not tell everyone? I don't want this to get back to my mother, and she seems to always figure things out, though I don't know how she-" I started to ramble, being cut off by Tsukki. 

"Yeah, we can hang low for now, there's no rush," he reassured. I smiled and leaned farther into his chest, feeling grateful to have him with me. 

A knock came from the door and the sound of the doorknob twisting. Tsukki and I jumped apart right as Akiteru poked his head into the room. 

"What are you guys doing in here~?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive manner. 

"Akiteru, get the fuck out," Tsukki yelled. 

"No can do, dinners ready. We assumed you'd be staying for dinner?" His attention turned to me and I shyly nodded. Akiteru smiled at me before leaving, making sure to leave the door open when he left. Tsukki rolled his eyes while I giggled. Tsukki leaned down, giving me another quick peck on the lips before jumping out of bed and leaving the room, me scrambling after him. 

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