A Society Overnight

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Bert and Dennis entered the room, both looked horrible. They kneeled before Arry.
"Sir we have rounded up the last of the humans around Killdane." proclaimed Dennis.
"Good, and how are the Prisoners?" asked Arry.
"All well milord"
"Good proceed to with operation Fat Hat"
"Understood" said the two diesel's and hurried away.
"What's that?" asked the crews.
As the two figures left the room Arry sniffed the room.
"Somethings not right", he slowly raised himself and walked around the room. His breath was fetid, and his mutated legs looked like something pulled out of a graveyard. His radiator was covered in thick gooey flesh. It looked like he was the first cyborg train.
He neared where the survivors were hiding, they all quickly ducked and hid behind whatever was there.
"Hmm maybe it's just my cooling fans." said Arry.
He walked away. The crews sighed a sigh of relief and left the room. They decided  to check out the rest of the facility. They entered what would be the break room for scientists, but it had been turned into a kind of nursery. Eggs and underdeveloped larvae that resembled a deformed humans sat in there and squirmed about. Some had been carried away by other creatures to other parts of the facility. Some of the crew vomited and cursed, but continued on there way.
They reached the several offices and personal rooms of the former researchers. They had been turned into prison cells, the cells were loaded with mutated flesh and other gross and inhumane objects. The cells kept getting bigger and bigger.
But one caught their eyes. It was the largest cell containing someone quite special.

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