The first Horrors

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April 16 1976 8AM:
The crews began to light their engines' fires. In order to not to attract anything the crews threw tarps over the engines to cover them. The survivors helped, there were around 14 of them. Soon all preparations were complete. "Driver are you sure this is the best course of action? I mean,shouldn't we just bunker up here and wait for help?" asked Duck. "Duckie this the best option in a bunch of bad ones. Not to mention the fact we don't even know when help is going to come." replied his driver. Soon everything was ready, the four engines set of for Vicarstown in hopes of escaping the hell that was Sodor.
April 6 1976 10:32AM:
They reached Tidmouth Hault. The once lovely and vibrant seaside town was now a hollow shell of what it once was. The sea air was still there however, it was silent. Nobody could hear anything or anyone except the sound of waves crashing onto the shore. The survivors raided the nearby bakery to get food. There they found a family of four. The father was the baker who was carrying with him a pistol and a few boxes of ammo. They welcomed them onto the train and slowly headed down the line. Along the way they found a dead body. One of the survivors took a look at the corpse. The man had killed himself by plunging a knife into his stomach. They could tell because the hands were still on the knife. Then the reality of the situation struck them, this was something far worse than they originally expected. They took the knife cleaned it and went on their way. While some protested the idea of taking a weapon a man used to commit suicide with, they all knew that they needed to have weapons if the were to survive.
April 16 1976 11:03AM
They reached Tidmouth Harbor,usually an engine would be assigned there for a week then another engine would take its place. The schedule said Paxton would be the assigned engine. As they roamed the silent docks they saw an open shed. Donald peeked in side and saw him. Paxton the green shunting diesel looked horrific, both of his eyes had fallen out. There was also writing on the wall. The writings said that Paxton was still the Paxton the all knew and loved. But that just wasn't the case. They decided to put the diesel out of his misery. Donald and Douglas got a couple of trucks and pushed them towards Paxton. With one great heave they sent the shunter into the sea. They looked over the pier and saw the Paxton's face slowly fade away as he sunk deeper and deeper. Nobody knew what to do next,they were just to horrified to even think. Then Toad spoke up. "Sirs we shouldn't dwell too long on the loss of a great friend. Let yourselves feel sad,yes,but don't let it get to you. We should get going so that we could save more engines from the same fate that got Mr.Paxton." Everyone agreed and began to head to Tidmouth.

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