The Cries of an American

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April 17 1976 11AM
The survivors reached Knapford. The station looked deserted, there was baggage and newspapers everywhere. During the trip the weapons they got from the naval tramper had been fitted on, the three machine guns being put at strategic points all across the train. Smaller weapons and firearms were either put in storage or being used by the survivors on patrol runs. Duck's crew went inside the stationmaster's office, there they saw a radio. They tuned it to the Sodor Tribute, a local newspaper and radio network. They heard a voice, it was Mack Bentos on the radio. Mack was known as one of Sodor's oldest reporters. He always managed to get a good story for the Sodor Tribute and even the adults knew him from listening to him when they were just kids. "If anyone is listening please know that the UK is going to cut off land,sea and air connections to Sodor in 13 days,please by any means necessary get yourselves over the Vicarstown Bridge. A nationwide referendum in the UK is taking place, it's about whether the UK should intervene in this mess. As votes are being counted it's gonna most likely be no. This will be the final broadcast by the Sodor Tribute, stay safe,be strong and finally, may the lord have mercy on our souls." Then the radio went silent. Duck's crew relayed the news to the others. They all knew they had limited time, and if they were going to survive they had to act quickly. Soon the survivors looted the Fat Controller's office. They could see that everything was still in its place, there were several documents sitting on his desk, his picture of his mother was still there, and all toy engines he used for mapping out where his engines are were still on his massive map. They looted the small mini fridge behind Fat hat's closet and got all the food inside and left Knapford station.
April 17 1976 1pm
They reached Knapford sheds. They could here muffled cries inside. The flung the doors open and saw Hank sitting inside. "What are you doing here?" asked Derek. "Im auditioning for a new film." sarcastically replied Hank. "What do you think you bastard, I'm hiding from the inevitable." Hank clearly looked like he had seen some shit. "Hank calm down and tell us what happened." said Oliver calmly. "I was taking a heavy freight train from Abbey to here. I was shutting some cars aside to reach the coal hopper and immediately heard the siren. I dashed inside this here shed. I saw Gordon whiz by here a few days ago. His coaches were full of zombies. My damn crew left me here to die." Hank began to cry. "THEY FUCKING LEFT ME TO DIE!! WHY?! I DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO THEM,SO WHY DO I HAVE GO DIE WHILE THEY SURVIVE!! Hank began to shudder and cry some more. Everyone knew that Hank had a very rough experience within the past few days. "Hank, you could join us." said Donald. "With yer strength we'll be able to bash through any horde." Hank looked at the Caledonian. "Fine,but I don't have a crew." "Until we can find you a crew, you'll have to go crewless maybe one of the us can be your fireman." replied Duck. Non-faceless engines can actually move on their on. They still need crews because of rail and safety regulations making sure that every engine must have crew. The big American locomotive coupled to the front of the train becoming its wall of defense. The cavalcade set off down the line, with Hank being the newest member.

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