Anopha Annihilation pt 1

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April 18 1976 10am
The three engines reached Ffarquhar itself. The station looked completely empty, if it weren't for the tracks the place looked like something before the industrial revolution. They decided to look inside the sheds. There they found Henrietta, the small coach looked to be in a very good shape. "Donald, Douglas,Percy! Thank Godred you're here." "Henrietta what happened?" asked Douglas. "I was being mended, a couple of seats needed to be replaced. Toby went to Cronk to shunt for a bit. I hope that thing didn't get him. "Thing, what thing?" asked Percy nervously. "A few nights ago I heard something stomping nearby. I could only see it's shadow,it was big and moved like a deer. Very nimble." The engines looked at each other. If what Henrietta was saying was true, then how were they going to fight it? After coupling up to her the crew went to the quarry.
April 18 1976 10:07am
They reached the Anopha Quarry, the quarry was owned and ran by the Anopha family. Mavis was on lease to them, this is why is she is often seen just working in the quarry. "Mavis!,Mavis!" yelled Donald. "Shh,Donald your going to tell the entire island we are here." remarked Percy. Soon they heard a faint horn sound. They turned a corner and found Mavis. The small diesel was in one of the goods sheds,she looked battered and bruised. "Mavis what happened?" asked Douglas. She didn't respond,her mouth was covered up in a makeshift mask made out of metal sheets. Then she spoke. "Hello you four,I'm I glad to see you. I've been waiting for help for days." After she was coupled up they left,however before they could get going they heard a faint noise. They all looked up there they saw a zombie. Then it came charging down the hill towards them,along with a huge horde! The engines soon dashed out of the quarry. But before they could get out,they stopped. Mavis' driver threw out a piece of dynamite. It exploded causing an avalanche. Rocks came tumbling down crushing the zombies as they clumsily tripped over each other. However getting out of the quarry was the least of their concerns. Because of the sound this all generated even more zombies came rushing down. The four engines dashed for Elsbridge. With a huge zombie horde following close behind.

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