Big Mickey

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He was alive, that damn crane was alive. The survivors couldn't believe it,Big Mickey was alive. He stood proud and tall, albeit with massive scars and rusted frames.
"Big Mickey, how did you survive?!" asked Percy.
"It was quite simple really." replied the crane.
"After Cranky's death I stopped moving and remained silent, I dared not to make a single sound. Soon the zombies mysteriously left the harbor. I remember seeing a large figure on the other side of the harbor, but I couldn't tell what it was. It was commanding the zombies with weird sounds. I waited here until you guys came here."
"But where's BoCo, Salty, Porter and the twins?" asked Mavis.
"They're in that ship."
"You're joking?"
"Im not, they really asked me to put them there. Strange though, a shed would make more sense to hide in."
Big Mickey was always seen as an odd duck by many people and engines. He always seemed to be happy and cheery despite a bad situation. The big crane creaked and groaned as it's winch pulled hard. His hook entered the ship and pulled out Ben.
"What's the meaning of this you iron imbecile?!" shrieked Ben.
He turned around and saw them.
"Oh,hello everyone come to save us?"
After  grinding, groaning and some explaining everyone was out of the ship. Just like the crane stated BoCo, Salty, Porter and the twins were inside the ship.
"I guess the situation is a lot worse than what we originally thought." said BoCo.
"Indeed me-hearty, never in me sailin' years would I've thought I would be battlin' zombies." replied Salty.
"So what's the plan now guys?" asked Henrietta.
"I certainly don't wanna come." said Salty.
"What why?!" asked Bill.
"All me life I had lived by the sea, if I'm going down at least let me take a look at the sea one last time. I was brought by sea to this island, and now she'll take me back."
After 30 mins of talking and convincing it was clear that Salty had made his mind up. At the dockside diesel's request he was shunted on a siding close to the sea in a remote part of the harbor. After saying goodbye to Big Mickey they headed out of the Brendam Branchline and headed to the mainline. While they felt more secure with more engines, they can't help but wonder who and what was the monster everyone was talking about. Aside from that what about Edward? What to do with a broken tender engine, while BoCo tried to talk to him it did very little to change the blue engine. All they could tell was that he was going to remain that way for the foreseeable future.

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