We're fucked aren't we?

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It had been a few months since the special facility at Killdane was built. The date was April 14 1976, the three diesels imprisoned there had been undergoing tests to gauge what the blue liquid does. The liquid had yet to be given a name so for the time being it was called as B-1. A common job for the NWR's engines was to take waste from the facility and bring it to the mainland. That day Donald and Douglas we're taking a particularly large shipment of waste to Barrow and Furness on the mainland. "Hey Dougie doesn't this seem like a lot of waste?" asked Donald. "Aye! I don't know why this plant produces this much waste." replied Douglas. "Alright you two let's get this stuff over to the mainland and get back to the little western." said Douglas's driver. The twins blew their whistles and they were off. Because of their special load they had to travel at a reduced pace. I think it's a good time to tell the composition of the particular train they were pulling. Behind Douglas were five tankers colored yellow to represent their hazardous load, eight conflats carrying containers labeled with symbols saying that they carried dangerous goods. After that there are four flatbeds carrying worn out machinery and finally there were two trucks carrying scrap metal before the brakevan. While the train seemed less intimidating considering half the train was comprised of broken metal and worn out parts, the first half carried the chemical B-1. Like I said before no one knew just how dangerous it was. As the twins were nearing Barrow they could see a diesel waiting for them. It had to take it on to a special plant where it could be properly be disposed of. As the twins turned around Donald had a realization, "Dougie why is it only steamies that take these waste trains?" "Maybe it's because we're just more hardworking than those diesels. I mean ye haven't seen Arry,Bert or Dennis rollin' about the place have ye." replied Douglas. "Nay, I think yer right". Meanwhile as the twins were headed back towards sodor a conversation with Sir Topham Hatt and the chief scientist, Dr. Geld had begun. "Doctor tell me what did you find?" "Well Topham if anyone has prolonged exposure to B-1 it turns them into...." "Into what?" "Zombies." The two men looked at each other for a while, then Dr.Geld spoke up. "In my 26 years of experience I have never seen such a dangerous substance." "Does it have weakness?" asked Sir Topham Hatt. "Yes it has." "What is it?" "The infected must feed on flesh if they don't they slowly rot away and die." "So what should we be done with the three diesels?" "Simple Topham we dispose of them. They are too dangerous to be left alive." As the two men were talking, the three diesels were locked up in cages. Dennis's middle driving wheel has fallen out being replaced with a ball of flesh. The ball of flesh was slowly growing larger and the smell was awful. Bert was just as bad. He was leaking internal fluids through his left eye socket with 4 tentacles poking and squirming about through that hole. Arry was the most horrific, Both of his eyes exploded leaving two large leg like limbs poking out of there. The next day Donald and Douglas were at Arlesdale West, the Twins were shunting because the small engines went back to their home railway in Britain. All of a sudden a large siren blared. "What's that?!" shouted Donald. His driver came running, "The facility at Killdane has been breached!" he shouted. The twins looked at each other. "We're fucked aren't we?" said Douglas. "Yes Dougie I think we are." replied a nervous Donald.

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