Rusty's wild ride

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Rusty was sent to the Killdane facility as a maintenance diesel. He was on lease from the Skarloey railway. There was a long tunnel that stretched from Crovan's  gate to the facility. This allowed Rusty to travel in and out, bringing it equipment and taking the men home.  Rusty had experienced the explosion first hand. He managed to escape the explosion by running to the tunnel. Before he could escape to Crovan's Gate the tunnel was flooding. Water was usually was pumped through automatic water pumps. The problem was that the water pumps had automatically shut down. The only way to pump out the water was to manually turn on the pumps. So as he scurried throughout the building trying to locate the survivors he was thinking maybe they could help him escape his meaty prison.
As he was looking for them his fuel light began to glare. This meant he was running low on fuel, that wasn't good. He had survived by getting fuel from the fuel pumps made for him. But, they were drying up. Meaning it wasn't going to be long before his supply ran out. As he hurried along the rooms and corridors of the facility he found the survivors.
"Rusty I can believe you're alive!" said one of the survivors.
"Yes I know but you guys need to leave now."
"Because they are going to turn your engines into food to feed Arry."
Hearing this the survivors began thinking. Should they rescue their engines or should they try and help Thomas and Rusty. Time was running out.

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