Dazed and Confused.

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April 19 1976 10:00am
The crews began to light the engines fires get ready to move out. It rained,the Sudrian sky filled with dark clouds and water pounded everywhere. The crews of the engines did a head count.
"Alright so let's see who we have, Hank,Derek,Donald,Douglas,Oliver,Duck,Percy,Henrietta,Mavis,Slip Coaches,Autocoaches,and Toad." said Mavis' driver. "Along with 48 survivors." added Hank.

They left Knapford and headed for Crosby. On the way they saw the charred remains of Bulgy,if it weren't for the tires anyone wouldn't recognize if it was Bulgy. As they entered Crosby the station was silent. Crosby had always been a favorite of the engines. It was the place where many things happened, Duck's close shave, Edward catching a runaway James and even when Toad was a runaway that one time. The station could rival Knapford in Memories, but that was the past. All the memories they had here were now broken. Who knows if they would live to see another day to tell these tales. The survivors stopped and looked around for anything valuable. All they could fine was some food and some spare parts in the yard. They wondered if Crosby could ever be returned to its former glory. Regardless they had to press on.

April 19 1976 11:42am
They reached Wellsworth, better known as 'Edward's station'. Surprisingly the found the blue engine parked on a siding.
"Edward!" screamed Percy overjoyed.
Edward didn't respond. His eyes widened up to the point some thought they were going to pop right out. The crews decided to check on the Blue engine.
"M-mm-monsters" stumbled Edward.
The crews were scared to go look at the Blue engine it was clear that just like Hank he had seen some shit.
"They're everywhere." said Edward. "They killed everyone. Everyone is dead, We are all dead." he continued.
"Edward what on earth are you talking about?" asked Derek.
Edward didn't respond he looked at them with a stare so creepy even the twins were taken aback. Feeling sorry for the old engine they coupled him up to the rear and decided to check the Brendam Branch for any survivors.

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