Dead Docks

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April 19 1976 12:00nn
Edward was broken, he didn't talk along the journey even when the reached Suddery itself he still wouldn't speak. The survivors decided to check out the China clay pits. It was empty, the hustle and bustle of machines were gone. They looked around hoping to find Bill,Ben or even BoCo. But it was just silent,nothing felt right about it. They checked every siding but still couldn't find anything. The looked into the sheds. Still they found nothing, where were the China clay twins and where was BoCo? Looking inside the offices they found a shipment of china clay had to go to the docks. Either the twins or BoCo would've taken it.
"There is nothing here." said Derek.
To him the clay pits seemed like a monument to him. It was the first place he worked at when he arrived on Sodor. Even though he was transferred to commuter services it still was very special to him.
However there was a more pressing matter, what to do with Edward? The NWR's No.2 was a pressing matter, his crew weren't with him and he barely had any coal and water. Some of the survivors wanted to bring him along. Some argued he was wasting precious resources just towing him along. A few survivors went even a step further and wanted to put the engine out of his misery, a.k.a killing Edward. While he may seem like a liability what he saw could be crucial to helping them battle the zombies.
April 19 1976 12:36pm
They reached Brendam Docks, it was silent the moving of cranes gone and the loading of cargo stopped. They entered the main port to find Cranky was dead. It looked like he had toppled over into the sea. After rummaging around they found a cctv camera with recordings of what happened.
April 16 1976
"Dammit their getting through!" "Hold them off with anything you can!" "Get the children onto a boat quickly!" "Daddy don't leave me, come with us!" "Sorry junior daddy has to be the hero,stay with mommy. Be sure to say Hi to Grandma and Grandpa for me ok?" "Gerald get on the boat!" "Sorry Matilda, take care of the children for me ok? See you in a better place." "Harold what's going on up there?!" "Sorry chap we are out of ammunition." "Well that's torn the defense, get the boats moving now!" "Cranky it was an honor working with you." "The pleasure was all mine Big Mickey." "Cranky,there climbing all over you!" "Is that so? Alright you dead bastards,if I'm going down you are all coming with me!" *Cranky picks up a heavy crate and swings violently towards the sea* "Goodbye Big Mickey!"

The tape ends with the recorder being eaten alive. "They killed everyone." Edward muttered. "What?" asked Henrietta. "They killed my passengers and crew. I was going to Brendam with a local commuter train when they attacked. They were merciless,they tore through the coaches as if they were paper. My crew parked me in that wretched siding and made a run for it telling me they would return. They never did." At first there was complete silence, then a voice spoke. "Hello!" Everyone turned around to see big Mickey.

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