Over the hill and far away

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April 20 1976 8AM
They saw the hill, Gordon's hill. The massive incline stood proud and tall. As the survivors slowly rolled up onto the hill the found an engine, upon closer inspection it was James. The poor engine looked mutilated and he was on his side laying in a ditch. His shiny red paintwork was still recognizable despite it being covered by his crew's blood. There was a massive hole on his boiler.
"What on earth is that?" asked Porter
One of the survivors went down and pulled out a massive insect like leg.
"Jesus, what on earth is that abomination doing in his boiler?!" asked Bill and Ben.
"Looked like he was stabbed to death." replied Derek.
Then they all remembered the monster that Big Mickey told them about.
"Could that be it? Did the monster kill James?" asked Hank nervously.
Everyone looked scared, it was first piece of evidence to prove that the monster was real had been found. When they inspected the leg they found a little badge saying "Built in Derby 1957"
"What do you think that means?" asked Derek.
"I don't know but whatever it is it can't be human" replied Oliver.
They buried James's corpse and went on their way but something about that badge felt familiar as if they had seen it before, but they can't put their finger on it.
As they rolled down the hill, they couldn't stop thinking on who or what the monster may be. The badge gave a clue, 1957. This meant that Thomas and Toby were out of the picture, but many engines on the island were built at this time  the problem was who?

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