20. Two Months

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Note: This chapter takes place about two months after the previous chapter. Enjoy!

Suga's POV

How long has it been? Feels like it's been forever since that day. The first day of school, the best and somehow not the best day of my life.

If it weren't for those jackasses, it would've been the best day of my life.

Two months? Yeah, it's been about two months.

Daichi and I have managed to keep Asahi from finding out that we're soulmates. Although, there were a few very close calls. He still doesn't know.. I think.

Speaking of Asahi-

"Sugawara?" A voice interrupts my thoughts.

I look up, the teacher is looking at me. She looks both frustrated and concerned. "Do you mind coming up to the board and solving number 2?"

I nod and get up from my seat.

What even is number two? What's the question? What subject is this?

I get to the board and look at the question. Math.

It's not that I'm bad at math. It's just that I haven't been paying attention.

"Take your time." The teacher says.

Okay, this is fine. What were we learning about? I really should've paid attention.

I start trying to solve the problem.

I eventually get an answer. I'm not sure if it's the right answer, but it's an answer. I walk back to my seat.

Where was I? Oh right.. speaking of Asahi, he's been hanging out with us less and less for the past month or so.

He claims that he's busy and he's been making an effort to hang out with us at least once a week now. But today's Friday and I haven't seen him all week, so I'm starting to get really worried. I might go check on him if I don't see him at lunch.

"Ok, so number two.." I hear the teacher say as she's checking the answers.

I did it wrong, didn't I?

"Looks good." She says, "Moving onto number 3-"

Oh my god.. that was all luck.

The bell rings a few minutes later. Time for lunch.

Everyone leaves the room. Except for Daichi and I, we've been eating lunch in the classroom for the past two months.

I walk over to him, "Hey Daichi?"

"Yeah?" He says as he pulls his lunch out of his backpack. "Wait.. is that my hoodie?"

I pause and realize that I'm wearing Daichi's hoodie, "That's not important."


"ANYWAYS," I cut him off, "Have you seen Asahi at all this week?.. Besides at volleyball practice."

He thinks for a moment, "Now that you mention it.. I haven't."

"If he doesn't show up in ten minutes I'm gonna go look for him." I say as I sit down.

"I'll go with you." He says as he looks at the clock.


"Anyways," Daichi breaks the silence, "Why are you wearing my hoodie?"

To be completely honest, it's because it smells like him and I like it. But that's kind of a weird thing to say.

"Umm.. I just happened to grab it this morning." I say, looking away.

"I forgot.. why do you have my hoodie?" He asks.

"You gave it to me the other day because I forgot mine.. and I forgot to give it back." I mumble.

He laughs, "Forgetful much?"

I pout, trying not to laugh.

"Do you want it back?" I ask.

He smiles, "Just give it back whenever."


A few minutes later, I look at the clock. It's been ten minutes.

Daichi seems to notice, "Alright, let's go." He stands up.

We leave the classroom and walk towards Asahi's classroom.

We arrive at his classroom and I peak in through the door.

I'm glad that we came to check up on him..

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