4. Class

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"Do you know them?" Sawamura signs slowly as he looks over at me.

"Yeah, they've been tormenting me since Kindergarten." I sign as I try to keep myself from crying. "Thank you."

They look at me wide-eyed.

"It's fine really.." I start, "They've never hurt me physically. And I don't take anything they say to heart."

"That just isn't right." Asahi signs.

"I'm sorry you two got caught up in that." I rub my eyes.

"No it's ok." They both sign.

The bell rings. We walk to our classes.

I sit down in class. What if I've already met my soulmate today? I could've walked past them in the hall and not known. Who knows?

Class went by quickly. The bell rings for lunch.

I don't have any friends.. except for maybe Sawamura and Azumane.. but we just met. They probably don't want to hang out with me.

I look up and see Sawamura walking towards me, as if he knew what I was thinking, "Can I sit with you?" He signs, "I don't really have any friends."

I smile and nod. He sits down.

This is so awkward. What do I say? What do I do? What do I- ..

Azumane walks over to us and nervously signs, "Can I sit with you two?"

We both nod.

I should say something. Anything. "So how was class for you two?" That sounds really stupid, but I can't take it back.

"It was ok." Asahi signs.

"I'm literally in your class, Sugawara." Sawamura signs.

I smile, "I know, but how was it for you silly?" What am I a mom? Who says silly?

Sawamura sighs, "It was ok, I guess."

"You guess?" I look at him seriously.

He smiles, "It was just boring."

"True." I sigh.

I feel something hit the back of my head. Not hard enough to seriously injure someone, but enough to hurt.

I wince and hold the back of my head as I turn around to pick up whatever hit me in the head. A ball of aluminum foil.

I look at the door and see the jackasses close the door and walk away. I flip them off before picking up the ball of aluminum foil.

What could be in here? I turn back around. Sawamura and Azumane both looking at me as if saying, "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." I sigh.

I open the ball of aluminum foil to find a ball of paper. "What's that?" Sawamura signs.

"We're about to find out." I open the ball of paper.

I try not to cry when I see what's drawn on the wrinkly paper in front of me. I crumple it up and throw it on the table.

"I'll be right back." I sign as I leave the room.

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