3. Befriend

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"What are your names?" I sign.

One of them signs, "Sawamura Daichi." The other signs, "Azumane Asahi."

So they haven't met their soulmates either. I'm glad I'm not alone. "Sugawara Koushi." I sign.

No one says anything for a moment.

"What positions do you two play?" The boy I have learned to be Sawamura, finally signs.

"I played wing spiker in middle school." Azumane slowly signs.

"That's so cool." I smile. "I played setter."

"That's cool too." He smiles.

"What about you?" I look over at Sawamura.

"I also played wing spiker." He smiles. "What a coincidence."

I look at the door. It's kind of stuffy in the gym. "It's kind of stuffy in here." I start. "I'm gonna go outside, do you two want to come?"

They both nod and we all go outside.

Students are starting to pile into the school. "What classes are you two in?" I start looking for my schedule.

They start digging through their bags.

I pull out the neatly folded piece of paper that has my schedule on it.

So do the two boys in front of me. We look at each other's schedules. I find out I'm in the same class as Sawamura.

"Wow cool-" I sign before getting interrupted by a very unpleasant voice.

"DON'T BE FRIENDS WITH HIM HE DOESN'T HAVE A SOULMATE." Jackass #1, followed by the laughter of Jackass #2 and #3. Just great.

I flip them off and stick out my tongue as they laugh their heads off. A common way I deal with them. "Awww why don't you say something, oh wait I forgot." Jackass #2 laughs.

"Just leave." I sign.

"What was that? I didn't hear you." Jackass #3 laughs harder.

"Fuck off." I sign and look away, trying not to cry.

"Awww is mute boy gonna cry?" One of them says, I stopped paying attention to who's saying what.

"Can you three just shut the hell up?" I see Sawamura sign to the three jackasses.

"The mute boy is making mute friends how sweet." One of them says sarcastically.

Azumane sighs, "Just stop."

"Or else what?" One of them laughs.

Takeda-Sensei appears behind them, "Or else you three are gonna get suspended on the first day."

The three jackasses go silent as they turn around. Takeda-Sensei has his arms crossed and a stern look on his face. "Leave them alone and go on with your day. This is a warning."

They walk away without saying another word.

"Are you three ok? No one injured?" Takeda-Sensei says as he watches the three of them walk away.

We nod.

"Good." He starts, "If they bother you again, let me know." He says before walking away.

"Do you know them?" Sawamura signs slowly as he looks over at me.

"Yeah, they've been tormenting me since Kindergarten." I sign as I try to keep myself from crying. "Thank you."

They look at me wide-eyed.

"It's fine really.." I start, "They've never hurt me physically. And I don't take anything they say to heart."

"That just isn't right." Azumane signs.

"I'm sorry you two got caught up in that." I rub my eyes.

"No it's ok." They both sign.

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