21. Bullies

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Note: This chapter was inspired by a comment from @SleepyAkiko on chapter 15.

And this chapter's title isn't the best that I've come up with lmao.

We arrive at his classroom and I peak in through the door.

I'm glad that we came to check up on him.

I throw my hood on and walk in. Not thinking about the consequences.

(Author: Stealth mission time)

"Suga what are you-" I hear Daichi whisper as I walk in.

I walk towards Asahi, who's at his desk. He's surrounded by three guys that I'm very familiar with. The three jackasses.

I walk faster after confirming it was them. Asahi seems uncomfortable with the situation, so this can't be good.

I stand between Asahi and the three jackasses.

"Who the hell are you?" One of them asks, harshly.

I realize that they can't tell who I am, since Daichi's hoodie is a bit big on me.

(Author: God I wish that worked irl)

I glance at Asahi, he looks confused. I'm about to do something that I'm not sure if I should do.

I look back at them and sigh, "Why does that matter?"

I see Daichi peaking in through a crack in the door. Probably deciding whether or not to come in.

"You're in our way." One of them says.

"Actually.." I pause thinking about what to say next.

"Shut up." They push me to the side.

Well that was rude.. but not unexpected.

I glance at the door, I see Daichi pulling the door open. I shake my head. He stops.

We might be able to continue keeping this a secret.

I finally think of what to say, "Actually, you're in our way. I just wanted to have a nice lunch with my friend here."

"This loser isn't your friend." They scoff.

Did I hear him right? Did he just call Asahi a loser? Ahaha I think not.

"What the hell did you just call him?" I stand in between them again.

"You heard me, he's a loser." They laugh.

"Say that again, I fucking dare you." I threaten.

"What are you gonna do?" They jeer.

"You don't wanna know." I say as I pull Asahi up. "Now if you'll excuse us, we're gonna go eat lunch."

"Let's go. I whisper as I pull Asahi towards the door.

(Author: I'm sorry but I'm just imagining Asahi is thinking, "Who are you? I don't know you. Where are we going?" And idk why that's so funny to me)

"Wait.. who are you? You seem oddly familiar." One of them says.

I stop and glance at them.

"Again, why does that matter?" I say, walking away again.

I feel something or someone, pull the hood off my head.

"You really needed to know, didn't you?" I say as I turn around.

They look shocked, speechless. I never thought I'd see them this quiet.

I think for a moment, "I'll make you three a deal." I pause, "If you three leave my friends and I alone for forever, we won't show the principal the video."

They look around, "What.. video?"

Daichi walks in and stops recording, "This one."

"So, what'll it be?" I glare at them.

They quickly leave the room.

One of them, jackass #1, tries to punch me in the stomach.. again.

(Author: 😀🔪)

Daichi grabs his arm and stops him. Thank god because I wasn't watching him close enough.

"Get out." Daichi bluntly states.

They roll their eyes and leave the room.

"Thanks Daichi." I smile at him.

"Suga.." Daichi glances at Asahi who's as confused as someone could be.

"Okay.. so we have some explaining to do." I start.

Daichi continues, "We may or may not have been keeping something from you for.. two months now?"

"Yeah, just about two months." I nod.

Asahi just stares at us.

(Author: 👁👄👁 <— Asahi)

Oh my god, he's never going to trust us again.

I look at the floor, my shoe's untied. I go to tie it when I hear a voice.

A new one. One that I didn't think I'd hear anytime soon.

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