a suspicion

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Wilbur POV

Looking at all the different colours and brands of icing was confusing me, i'm not sure how we're going to decorate the cake or if there's going to be a theme or- ah I'm over thinking it again, i do this to get closer with my new brother and i have nothing in mind at all. Now that i think about it, asking them would be a better idea than going with standing here staring at all these packs of icing. "Hey Tubbo what do you think we should--"

I cut myself off when i realise that Tubbo is no longer behind me. A slight worry stretched in the back of my mind but i knew he wouldn't wander off without a reason so i turned to Phil. "hey did Tubbo say anything about splitting up to you?" probably not the best way to phrase that as i see Phils eyes shoot off the small box he was holding and lock onto me.

"Did he WHAT" oh lord he's stressing.

"Ey don't worry about it, I'm sure he just got distracted by something in the aisle . Why don't you get the icing and eggs and i'll go look for 'em?" I smiled and patted his shoulder as I left the aisle, opposite of the way we came and went the direction we came from, looking to the aisle to the right of me then to the left.

Luckily I was right and they were just a wall over, unluckily, they were on the floor shaking. 'Maybe Phil had the right idea when he started to stress.' I ran over to the boy and crouched down to try and see him better. Deciding to ask what's wrong I spoke quietly, just above a whisper. "Tubbo, hey Tubbo, what happened man?" I lightly touched his forearm, getting a violent flinch as a reaction. I can see their breathing pattern being quick and irregular, my eyebrows knit in concern.

I remember what Phil did for me as a kid when I would have panic attacks and tried to think of one that could work right now. During the first dinner we had with Tubbo, I told Blade to get an ice cube to bring Tubbo's distracted senses back to reality while I went to fetch a comfort item, the plan didn't end up working because of well- you can't exactly help someone who's having a panic attack when you yourself are panicking.

Unfortunately for me we weren't near the frozen section of the store and there weren't any comfort items in the vicinity as far as i was aware, so there goes that plan. I looked around, trying to see if there was anything that could help him in any way, I even contemplated yelling for Phil but the idea of stressing Tubbo out shut that option down fast. 'Deep breath Will, you can figure this out.' I closed my frantic eyes for a split second and took a deep inhale. 'You're no use to him like this.'

Calming down, my eyelids parted once again, showing me the sight of the panicking figure in front of me. 'Wait- I'm an idiot aren't i?' i mentally facepalmed as i realized i just used a breathing exercise on myself and didn't even think of it as an option.

My left hand still laid on his forearm gently, deciding this was the best course of action. I lightly gripped his arm and led his hand to my chest so he was able to pick up on my breath. "Tubbo i need you to follow my lead okay?" he didn't respond but i continued anyway, breathing in for a couple seconds and then exhaling for around seven more.

Continuing the repetitive process, I thought it wasn't working for the first three or four times but soon saw his body relax slightly, his head still in his lap. I celebrated mentally at the fact I actually did something to help, slightly surprised at the same time.

Saving my victory for a better time, I let supportive words leave my mouth in a calm tone. "Good. keep breathing with me."

It took about another minute or so of just sitting there before they looked up at me, tears silently streaming down their face, I was shocked and concerned for how quietly this kid could cry. Their eyes had gone so dull, once forest green now cloudy with grey fog. I was still worried for them, that being evident in my consistently matted together eyebrows, I broke the normal facial expression though with a light smile.

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