worry's and secrets

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Techno POV

It's been around four hours since my younger brothers and Phil left, and I've been sitting in my room the whole time. I've just been farming potatoes in one of my minecraft worlds, its a nice activity to put yourself to when your mind won't leave you the fuck alone. I guess the whole stress of another person has gotten to me. Phil let me know this morning that I planned to adopt the boy, said something about how he was different, special, just like me and him. I don't know how he has the power to see it without and sort of proof but i'll take his word for it.

The kid doesn't bother me too much either way, they're good at cooking and they're pretty quiet, but i still can't shake the feeling that this kid might be more than we can handle and that Phil might be jumping the gun by adopting him so fast. 'Maybe he'll wait a little bit longer before doing anything, I mean you'd have to check if he is like us after all right? It's kind of a big deal, and if he's not one of us then what are we meant to do then huh? Suck it up? Get rid of the kid? Kill him?'

'Woah, get ahold of yourself Blade.' I took my hands off my mouse and keyboard to slap my face with both hands. After a couple seconds of just sitting like that i thought it would be best to get a glass of water from the kitchen, it might help me settle down a bit.

Leaving my room and heading down the stairs, I realised someone had the same thought as me as the sound of running water ran through my ears. "Oi, get me a glass too wontcha?" I asked knowing the figure by the sink was Will, who normally got water after singing for a while. I can imagine the strain it puts on his throat.

He looked surprised to see me, I can understand why too, farming virtual potatoes has become a job of mine, no longer just a hobby. "Oh my goodness, isn't this a rare sight?" he laughed and got another glass as I leaned over the kitchen marble island and took a seat.

"Yeah yeah, 'i've been stuck in my room for years, you thought i had died!'" I mocked him, knowing what he would say next. I only grinned when he laughed back.

"True to that brother! Have a hard day at work on the farms?" ah, getting his revenge for stealing his line i see. "Your hands must be soooo tired awfter all thwat hward work..." he put in an unnecessary amount of W's as he spoke in his baby voice, making his point very clear. Though he did hand me my water which was nice.

"Yeah, you laugh now but wait until I get carpal tunnel and have to get surgery, then we'll see who's laughing." my humer had a tendency of getting a bit dark- maybe i should have mentioned that...

Wilbur scoffed back at me as I chugged down the clear liquid I was given. He sat beside me and stared into his glass for a minute, leaving us both to silence. I never do well with awkward silences, even if it is with my own family or close friends. A single spec of sweat dripped down the side of my face and copied his position, looking into my own glass. "Do you-" my attention was drawn away by Wil cutting himself off.

He paused for around two seconds. "Do IIIIII??" I elongated the 'I' so he knew i was confused.

He chuckled for a moment before his face went dull, serious, cold. "Do you think that Tubbo really is like- well- you?" he asked and finally looked back at me.

"I've been asking myself the same thing. In the end though, I trust Phil, he knows what he's doing."

Wilbur only nodded and looked back at his cup. I thought the conversation had ended , so I put a hand on the marble island and began to stand before I was stopped by the conversation being picked back up. "It's just that- what if Phil is wrong about them? Not that i doubt him but when he inevitably reveals himself he'll tell tubbo about you too and- what if they get scared? You guys are only rumours Techno... what if they try to... tell someone or or hurt you or--" i cut him off there

"Will look at me." he turned his eyes to look back at mine, doing as I said and letting me continue. "Phil hasn't been wrong yet and even if the little guy does find out and freak out, do you think he can get away from me? Or manage to fight? Heck that kid looks like he weighs as much as Tom's! As long as Phil trusts the kid, we'll be fine."

Wil smiled back at me and practically jumped onto me, wrapping his arms tightly around me. 'Affectionnnn, nooooooo' "thank you Blade..."

"No problem big bro."

Slowly he released his grip and we went back to looking at each other with a smile before hearing the sound of the front door unlocking. The sound of the door swinging open and loud struggling sounds caught our attention and began to walk to the front door. 'Perfect timing i guess.'

"TECH, WILL. HELP GET STUFF FROM CAAAAAR" ah yes, the familiar voice of the one and only, tommy.

Turning the corner we saw the sight of Tommy struggling to carry an arm full of clothing inside, Will and I both laughed at the sight before Will said he would help Tom's as I helped get the stuff from the car. With my brother's instruction I left the house and headed for the car that had yet to be put into the garage. I had assumed they were at the trunk of the car judging on Phils voice and the trunk being wide open, safe to assume my assumptions were correct as I heard the ending of a conversation between Phil and the kid. "-Don't put pressure on 'em! Here take some of the clothes instead, it will hurt less."

Overhearing the conversation made me confused. I made my way around the side of the car and behind Phil and put my hand on his shoulder. "Kid got hurt or something?" i asked, making my presence known.

"Tech! Here help me with bringing the desk in and we'll send out Will to get the rest while I lock the car." i didn't get an answer but decided against repeating myself and went along to help Phil.

After putting away everything, Tommy and Tubbo both went to build what I could only assume to be Tub's new desk and Phil began making dinner. Wilbur and I both went to our separate rooms, him so he can do whatever it is he does in there, and me to plant more potatoes.

My planting was going smoothly too before an annoyed Tommy bursts in the room unannounced, Tubbo following shyly behind. Tom's starts asking me to help them build the desk. The begging went on for about two minutes before I remembered I couldn't win this and went to help the two boys. The building process was a lot of Tom and I dropping things and making mistakes that were later corrected and assisted with by Tubbo. The kid is smarter than I give him credit for. the one thing that didn't make sense to me was Tommy being hesitant to let his new friend help, I don't want to pry so went against asking. 

We ended up being loud enough that Wilbur, whose room was right below Tubbo's, could hear us and came upstairs to help us make the damned thing. It ended with Tubbo and Wilbur doing most of the work and me and Tom giving them the tools they needed or goofing off in the background, usually dragging one of the other two into our shenanigans.

The desk was enventually finished and in perfect time for Phil to call us all down for dinner. The rest of the night went just how it normally would, just with an extra brother. 'Maybe he's not so bad after all...' 


*clears throat* 

4.13K READS AND 214 VOTES! I was not expecting this to get so popular omg... thank you all for the endless support! I hope that you all with enjoy whats to come! happy new year btw!

I got to play terra swoop force today actually, very fun stuff! played with a few friends and we all had a blast, would highly recommend. 

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