red eyes

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Philza POV

Since it's only Tubbo and I in the car I decided to let him sit in the passenger seat this time. It's been about half an hour since we left and the car ride has been mostly quiet besides the odd question or comment from either one of us. Tubbo was mostly looking at his hands the whole time but recently switched to staring out the window.

Bringing my attention back on the road the light coming up had turned yellow so I brought the car to a slow temporary stop. Just as I did I heard the young bee boy speak from beside me. "Phil?" he asked quietly.

"Yes Tubbo?"

"Just how far is this place? Not saying it's taking too long or anything, just wondering." he turned to look at me and I glanced at him long enough to take notice of the large dark bags under his eyes, feeling internally guilty at the sight.

"Not too much longer, it's around a forty minute drive from home so we're around half way there." I told him as the light went back to green, starting my vehicle again and continuing to drive.

Silence filled the air once more as we drove past houses, trees, people, cars, benches, stores and- smoke? Suddenly I could hear distant sirens getting closer but still far off, and I could see the source of the toxic air. It was a house to the right of the street we were on. Quickly I turned to stop and make sure no one was hurt and felt Tubbo shift in acknowledgement and quizicallity.

After parking and getting out of the car I spotted a single ravenette standing outside the building, he looked familiar and panicked as wails sounded from inside the house. I rushed up toward the man and put a hand on his shoulder before he quickly jolted away from my touch to look me in the eyes. I caught the odd colouration of his irises in a crimson red as he looked at me and only now noticed the scorch marks on his hands.

Suddenly it all hit at once.

He was one of the experiments at the lab.

The BlazeBorn or whatever they called him.

My eyes widened in shock as my brows lifted. He took note in my sudden change and ran the other direction. "WAIT-" i yelled not wanting to let him go, especially now that he's probably started a house fire.

I was about to run after him when I heard Tubbo. "PHIL" I turned fast to look at him to see him still in the car but with the window rolled down to shout to me. That's when I noticed why he sounded so panicked. The distant sirens had come fast and were parking around the house, and he had wings coming out of his back with antene coming out of his head and yellow eyes. Fuck, they can't see him like this. 

I would run to the car but that would draw attention to the boy. So I made a small gesture for him to stay low, luckily he got the idea and ducked down as a fireman ran up to me. "Hello sir are you the one who called?"

"No, I was driving to get somewhere then saw the smoke and decided to stop to see if I could help in any way but when i got here there was no one outside."

"Okay thank you for your help sir but we'll take it from here, stay safe out there."

"Will do!" I replied before sighing and walking to my car, trying to act as nonchalant as possible. Getting in the drivers side and sitting down, I turned to Tubbo who was hidden under the dash board. "Smart move"

"Why thank you" the small boy said before moving to get out as I started the car, hearing the engine roar to life, and buckled my seatbelt (road safety guys come on). Once he sat back in place and buckled up, we were on the move, but my mind was focused on that red eyed man.

We drove toward our location sure but my eyes were peeled for any sign of a black hair individual with a white headband. Soon enough I started circling blocks and peering into alleyways trying to find him. My thoughts blocked out any sounds around me, the car horns honking at me for going too slow, the music playing calmly in the background, the laughter of children playing in the sidewalks, all of it, masked by the questions in my head.

'He started that fire you know he did'

'Do you think that was one of the "advanced" experiments?'


'I didn't know any of them actually worked.'

'What are you going to do when you find him?'

'IF you find him'

'Do you really think he won't run from you?'


'Especially if he knows you were a doctor.'

'How do you even know he was an experiment?'

'Maybe it's all a coincidence and he set the house on fire with a match or something.'

'What if-'

"PHIL!!!" I gasped, abruptly stopping my train of questions. Looking to the source of the noise I found the bee boy staring back at me with worried eyes. no more pointless wondering for me. 

"Eh- sorry Tubbo, I guess I got distracted... let's get to that clearing now huh?" I brought my attention back to the road, only now noticing how off course my mindless searching got us. I sighed "sorry for getting so off track yeah?" I chuckled trying to put a stop to those worry filled eyes looking at me.

"Yeah it's okay..." Tubbo spoke softly, then changed his position to face the window while I drove. It won't be long before we get there anyway. 


posting a chapter without putting an author note first- couldn't be me

anyway, plot POG

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