walk back with me

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Phil POV

Just as the weather app said. It had begun to rain. Luckily for me I decided to bring an umbrella grocery shopping with me today. Popping the white and green striped umbrella open I continued my walk down the road. I had to go out and get supplies for dinner tonight as i didn't realize we were low on most things in the house, so i thought that now would be a good time as ever.

'I should have just ordered in tonight...' I thought to myself as I walked. I didn't like the rain whatsoever. It gave me a grand amount of discomfort when the small cloud droplets would roll down my skin and soak my clothes. Sighing, I kept my eyes focused in front of me. At least it's not a far walk to the store from home, it's only around five blocks away.

"--IDIOT all the time! I've just screwed myself over! Im such a dumbass!" any thought that was originally running through my head had stopped as i heard a young voice within the alley just ahead of me. It was a saddened voice as well, whoever it was they seemed to be in distress.

When I got close enough to see inside the alleyway I was shocked to say the least, yet a wave of worry washed over me at the same time as I looked within the wet nook in between two shops. Inside sat a small figure in a green jacket, soaking wet jeans and a box over their head. Judging by how small they are, they couldn't be any older than 15 if i had to guess.

"Pardon me son." i said getting close enough to hold my umbrella over the boxed figure. "Are you lost by any chance?" this must be what my boys call 'pulling a dadza'.

The figure didn't respond to me, they seemed to tense slightly when i first spoke as well. After a few seconds of waiting for a reply in silence, I tried again. "Are you okay? You sounded quite upset a second ago?" no response.

"I've got my umbrella over you so you can take off that box if you want?" i wasn't going to give up on this kid, they could get sick if they don't get some dry clothes on. After a few more seconds of waiting the small figure moved their hand to the rim of the box, gripping onto it and lifting it just enough so I could see their dull, lifeless green eyes. I could feel my eyebrows naturally knit together in worry but I put on a smile either way.

"There's a pretty face!" i said joyfully, not wanting to scare them by being too loud. The figure looked to be a small boy, they had bags under their eyes and the side of their face was bruised slightly. The boy kept the same hand on the bim of the box and used the other to bring his knees closer to his chest. "My name is Phil, it's nice to meet you!" I kept up the joyful tone and stretched my hand out for him to shake.

"...Tubbo..." they reciprocated the gesture and grasped my hand for a quick handshake. Oh thank goodness he talked.

"Tubbo? I like that name, it's very unique and bubbly." For a split second I swore I saw a smile on his face.

"Well then Tubbo. Are you lost? Do you need help finding your way back home?"

He looked to the ground in front of him. "I.. ran away..."

I was taken aback by his response and something in my mind told me that the bruise on his face had a long story to it. "Hm" I hummed in response, thinking about my next words for a moment. "Why don't I take you to my place to get dried off, hm? We can talk more about that when you're cleaned up."

His eyes shot back to mine in an instant and within those eyes I saw so many emotions. Confusion, worry, fear, relief, panic. Once again I put my arm out in front of me for him to take my hand. He jolted as he saw the hand go towards him, then looked back and forth between the hand and my eyes, contemplating an important decision. It took about a minute before they finally grasped my hand allowing me to pull them to their feet.

'Oh thank heavens he accepted, I am not letting this kid stay out in the pouring rain any longer than he has to.' my thoughts expressed my internal relief as it would look very strange to say aloud. He walked to the left of me and I held my umbrella in between us, making sure he didn't get any more wet than he already is. Of course this meant that my right shoulder was taking one for the team but I didn't mind it.

We walked in science if you excluded the sounds of rain hitting the ground, cars driving past and puddles being stepped in. At least it gave me a chance to not only gather my thoughts, but get a closer look at just how tired this kid looked. They looked as though they hadn't slept properly in days and had either barely eaten or hadn't-- my train of thought got interrupted by another one coming into view.

'Oh my gods I forgot about dinner.'

I mentally facepalmed at the fact that food had been completely forgotten.

'Well it looks like we're ordering in after all.'


it really seems to me that I miss more and more sleep each time I write one of these. as I finished writing that it was 2am, last chapter was 1am. I fear for what my sleep cycle will become. anyway, sorry if these chapters don't make sense, I don't eve edit them before publishing them so if there are some mistakes in spelling or grammar here or there, please excuse my inability to form proper thought. 

thank you and I hope you're having a great day!

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