salty tears

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Tommy POV

Doing small bits around the table has always been a fun thing we did at dinner. It could be a fake fight, someone pretending to lose memory, copying another's person's actions as closely as you can, so on and so forth. They're a good pick-me-up when you're having a bad day, for me they're a good distraction so the others dont catch me not eating, or they're just there for a good laugh. Today Will and I started a fake fight about pancakes versus waffles.

Both of us presented our very over dramatic preferences, putting hands to our foreheads, flapping arms about, raising our voices from time to time. Phil and Techno seemed to be getting a good laugh out of it. Wilbur ended up saying something about needing to be shown the way of the waffles and that my silly train of thought will soon be corrected, yatta yatta yatta, blah blah blah. I immediately knew what my resonance was going to be, what's better than a waffle god? A PANCAKE GOD!

I raised both my arms so my hands were beside my head, palms facing up. "I dear sweet child am not the one that has STRAYED from the path OF PRIMEEEEEE" typically any prime joke would have gotten a good laugh from at least Wilbur but this time there was nothing. This threw me off my character and I looked back to everyone only to see them with their eyebrows knitted with concern, looking to my right.

My arms fell slightly and stopped at my waist. I looked over to my right and down slightly. I was confused until I saw Tubbo with his arms covering his head, shaking ever so slightly and very tense. "T- Tubbo?" my voice was coated with concern for the boy i had only met moments before.

I saw Phil, who was sitting to the right of Tubbo, place his hand on Tubbo's shoulder, only for Tubbo to violently flinch at the sudden contact and for Phil to quickly remove his hand. Phil then got out of his chair and knelt in front of Tubbos chair, turning it so it faced him. "Tubbo? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Phil questioned them but got no response.the only difference now was that i could hear Tubbo's struggling breaths.

Phil slowly brought his hands to tubbo's arms, trying to bring them away from his face but as soon as his fingertips made contact with Tubbo's skin, he stood out of his chair quickly and dropped his arms to his sides, revelling tears that were on the brink of falling and his quick struggling breaths. Their eyes darted around the room and his pupils were constricted and small, only providing more evidence to me that this was, in fact, an anxiety attack.

As Phil was getting off the ground I heard talking to the left of me, turning my head for a second. I saw Techno dashing toward the fridge and Will running to his room, they probably had an idea of how to help. I turned my head back to the panicking boy in front of me and felt guilty for not knowing what to do to help in any way. 'What do i do?!'


No ones POV (because it's easier to write this part when i'm not in someone's POV oops)

Phil stood back up and looked at Tubbo who looked to be searching for an escape of some kind. Trying to stop Tubbo from running off and locking themself away, Phil planted both his hands on the shaking child's shoulders. This succeeded in stopping him from running off but his breathing then picked up as the tears started streaming down his face, Phil and tubbo's eyes locked onto one another. "I'M SORRY"

Tubbo screamed an apology and raised his arms in front of himself again, collapsing onto the floor in the process. This left Phil confused and unsure of what to do next, either way he kept trying to get through to the young boy. "Hey what are you apologizing for? It's okay! No one is here to hurt you!"

Techno and Wilbur had both returned and went straight to Phils side, Techno held a small pack of frozen peas and Wilbur had a thick blanket in his arms. "PHIL QUICK GIVE HIM THESE!!" the boys shouted, which probably wasn't the best decision at the moment seeing as tubbo had gotten shocked at the yelling and backed up into Tommys legs.

Tubbo looked around, there were four people surrounding them, yelling and moving fast, they panicked and curled into a tight ball muttering just above a whisper. "ImSorryImSorryImSorryImSorry-" they kept repeating the phrase over and over, as if if they stopped their heart would stop on the spot.

Phil turned around to his two older boys. "What was that! You can just yell when someone is clearly breaking down boys!"

"I- i didn't mean to be loud! Look, I got him a blanket and he can use my headphones to block out noise!" wilbur spoke in a rushed tone

"Shut up crime boy! You're being loud again!" techno scolded wilbur, using an old nickname.

"Both of you shut it! Look at what--" phil continued to talk to Wilbur and Techno who just kept throwing the blame onto each other.

Tommy stood behind a shaking boy in a green hoodie, looking at the mess his brothers had caused. Turning his attention to the boy on the floor, not knowing much about what was going on, he thought it would be a good idea to give them a hug, it had always helped Tommy when he was stressed or sad so he thought he should give it a try. He sat down onto the floor into a criss cross position and pulled the broken record boy onto his lap, wrapping his arms around the other. "Hey um- it's okay alright? You don't need to worry- um, we didn't mean to scare you."

Tommy was never really good with emotions but he tried his best. Absentmindedly he ran fingers through the smaller boy's hair and rocked back and forth to calm him. "I- im- im- s-s-sor-sorry" Tubbo spoke the phrase shakily once more before he stopped and was left just sniffling.

"It's okay big man, there's nothing to be sorry for.'' Tommy spoke gently and continued to rock as he looked up at his father and brothers. Wilbur and techno had their heads hung low as Phil sighed, done with scolding the two older boys. He turned back around to see Tubbo in Tommy's lap, small sniffles coming from the small boy, tears still finding their way onto the hardwood floor.

Phil smiled at his youngest and nodded proudly. Quietly as to not disturb the calming down teen, he turned back to the pink haired and brown haired duo. "Go put those back where they were and clean up the table, I'll set up for a movie night okay?" sligh spoke softly and held a finger to his lips telling the two to be quiet. They nodded and went to do their chores. Phil turned back around one last time to look at the two younger boys on the floor. He smiled again then went to go set up a good movie to calm things down.


WINTER BREAK BABY, oh it feels good to be free. 

this was my first time writing in third person I think? that's kinda cool. anyway, hope you guys enjoyed a little bit of angst. have a great day if you haven't already! <3

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