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before this starts- look! fan art! by: @SapphireMoonFox their instagram is Sapphire_moon_fox go check them out!


??? POV

I woke up to a distant scream over to my right. It was distraught and loud, something you don't really want to wake up to when you're in the middle of a forest. Quickly after realizing what was going on I shot to my feet, taking note of how the sun looked lower, almost setting but the sky was still a mocking, clear blue.

I was already in a full dash toward the scream, jumping over old logs and pushing branches to the side before I could even register that I was moving. I still found myself going too slowly for my own liking so quickly I took the chance to let my tail fall loose behind me, long and black with a tuff of fur on the end, and let my legs take a less human shape, made for running, the formation looking like more of a dogs or deers hind legs. I use my tail to balance as I can now take longer strides, it swishes behind me as I move at a fast rate.

The ground below me started to go from more dirt to a more thick green grass, small patches of it becoming larger as I went. By time the screaming had stopped I reached the tree line, a clearing just on the other side. Hesitation filled my get but I peeked my head out from the bark and leafs blocking my view and spot a man with blond hair and large dark wings in the centre of the clearing holding what seems to be a small child of sorts.

Before I know it I'm letting more of my hybrid features cover my body, pupils turning to slits to try and see better and my ears becoming long, pointy and black to listen in to the two beings. "-I'm so so SO sorry..." I manage to catch the end of the blond man's sentence and the broken sobs of the child he's holding. The man's voice sounds familiar in a way that I cannot put my finger on.

Knowing they aren't going to look at me, I sneak closer, curiosity filling my mind. 'Why do I feel like I know him.' my thoughts echo. I walk around the back of the man, trying to get a good look at his face. Once i find a good orientation to look from i see his sorrowful eyes and a pitiful frown, one I've only seen from-

An image of a white lab coat flashes into my mind.

A doctor walking down my hallway as I stare out the window at the two guards behind him, dragging a multi-coloured boy across the floor.

I don't pay much attention to the other two guards holding the white-furred arms of a girl with sharp teeth as the doctor leading them opens the steel door across from my own and makes a gesture to the inside of the room.

The guards followed orders, tossing both the clearly injured boy and the screaming girl into the room carelessly.

The doctor-

Just for a moment-

Looks at me.

The sorrow in his eyes.

The pity in his frown.

I can see it all.

Just like that the dots connect.

Rage fills my veins and the spine of my tail strikes like a match, fire roaring along it. Adrenaline takes over my body and mind as I sprint at the man and just as he's looking toward me I stand on one leg, rearing the other back. With full force I kick at the doctor's face and reach down for the boy he coddled, picking him up by the armpits at first but then moving him to bridle style so he's easier to carry.

I run to the soul oak tree, oddly placed in the field of grass and flowers, and place the boy down beneath it. I can see his laboured breaths and short sobs, he's hyperventilating but I don't stop to think about that, instead I whip back around to the brutally kicked man, seeing him standing now, rubbing away the blood trail from the claw marks displayed on his cheek.

I bare my sharp teeth and claws, getting into a fighting stance for if he moves. Though I let my guard down slightly when he raises his hands in the air. "I don't want a fight." he spoke nervously, looking between me and the boy I placed under the tree. "I'm only here to help."

"Says the man who put untested chemicals into children!" I spat back, disgusted by his lies.

He takes a moment, glaning between the boy and I again before sitting down cross legged with a sigh. "Tubbo, I need you to breathe, it's all okay now and no one is going to hurt you." he's completely ignored me and started speaking presumably to the boy behind me, his focus on the boy shocking me. "I'm sorry for doing what I did, I thought it would help you how to fly, because that's how I learned and I thought that mayb-"

"SHUT IT!" I had to cut him off, without knowing his intentions I won't let him say anything to the boy. Absent-mindedly, my hair waved into a burning flame, matching the one on my tail. "WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO PULL HERE?!"

The Doctor sighs, the sorrow ever more present on his face, making me cringe at the sight. "Tubbo, the boy behind you, is having a panic attack because I was being foolish. I took him here to teach you how to fly and by the end of it when he wasn't able to I tried showing him how I learned. I dropped him." questions filled my head and shock ran through my body. "I'm not sure why I thought it was a good idea, I didn't even tell him what I was doing, and I'm sorry."

The flames on my head extinguish themselves but my suspicions don't ease. He looks as though he senses my tension too.

"I know that you know how I am." he's only looking at me now, eyebrows knitted together. "I regret ever joining, being one of them. I wanted to save all of you, get you all out, in the end I could only save one out of the douzens there were. I'm not even referring to Tubbo, I only found Tubbo two weeks ago. I thought that by helping him I might be one step closer making up for what I did in that lab. I see now however that there is no making up for such heinous things and that I do not deserve forgiveness. That won't stop me from trying to help you all, even if each of you hate me I just want to help you, so please, let me help him. Then maybe I can help you too." he smiles lightly. But it's not twisted like I remember, it's sincere and patient.

His eyes are the same, hopeful and truthful.

It's only now that I let the sound of sobs and laboured breathing be heard, I turn and see the crying child struggling to breathe, rocking back and forth, head buried in his knees. Guilt and realisation wash over me as the flame on my tail grows small and eventually goes out. I look back to the winged man, nodding to him and moving slightly out of the way, giving him permission to see the boy. His smile brightens ever so slightly more, showing his dull white teeth. "Thank you- uh?"

"Sapnap." I answer his unasked question and tell him my name.

"Sapnap." he repeated back in a soft tone. "Phil."

I nod at who I now know is Phil as he walks toward Tubbo slowly. I watch as he whispers sweet nothings in Tubbo's ears and rubs his back in comfort for a few minutes before deciding to leave. I only took a few steps but I already heard a voice from behind me.

"Wait!" Phil shouts. I turn to look and he tosses a satchel at me. "For your journey, there's some snacks and water along with my number and some change. Give your friends a call when you can, they'll be worried about you."

His knowledge of George and Dream shocks me and my mouth hangs slightly agape for a second before I smile. "Thank you" Phil nods back and goes back to comforting Tubbo.

I take a deep breath and go.

I'm going home.

Back to my friends. 


a longer one because I was gone for sooooooo long

schools keeping me busy guys but I'll keep tying!

and another person I know started reading this so uh, hi, how are you enjoying the book?

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