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Tubbo POV

Groggily I threw myself off the warm bed and walked to the door. The metal doorknob was colder than expected which was an unpleasant surprise but at least it woke me up a little bit more. With little effort the door swung open and i headed for the stairs, taking my time to walk down each step to not fall down.

Getting to the bottom of the stairs I went down into the kitchen only to find no one awake, or if they were awake they had not left their rooms yet. I guess that gives me time to get breakfast ready for them, looking at the pantry door I spotted an apron hanging on the handle, I took it and spilled it on over my clothes. Unconsciously in my tired state I rummaged around for plates, a pan, bread, eggs, pepper, and it turned out they had orange juice so I grabbed that too, however I couldn't find any bacon or ham so it wasn't exactly going to be a classic breakfast like in the movies.

Making breakfast for whatever family I'm in has always been a part of my morning routine, which I guess is nice because I like to cook and bake. My mind absently wandered, useless topics came and went and some old memories did the same, plans for the future lingered in the back of my head as the sounds of eggs sizzling rang throughout the room.

The plates already have two pieces of toast on each of them and a glass of orange juice to the right of them as well. Just as I was moving the cooked eggs to another plate in order to hand them out evenly, I heard a voice from behind me. "Tubbo?" the voice questioned

My eyes instantly left the stove and twisted to see the source only to find Wilbur standing by the table with his eyebrows knitted with confusion. "What's all this for?" he questioned again.

"Um, breakfast? I hope you all like eggs" i answered back simply before looking back to the stove and continuing to move the eggs to the large plate in my hand. Wilbur chuckled slightly from behind me.

"You don't need to make breakfast Tubbo."

"But i- i always have to make breakfast?" I started while walking to the table with a plate full of cooked eggs in hand.

"Who the hell makes a teenager make breakfast for them? Im pretty sure thats just plain old child labor at that point." i'm pretty sure that was a joke judging on the way he dramatically crossed his arms so i let out a light laugh to be polite.

"Holy shit wait--" wilbur swore as he seemed to realize something. "Where the hell did you even learn to cook?"

I shrugged. "I guess i just kinda picked it up."

He hummed in understanding and took a seat at the round table again. I layed out all the eggs and sat down across from Wilbur, grabbing a knife and fork in opposite hands. I began to cut my own eggs but stopped when Wilbur made a small noise. "Holy shit-"

I looked up at him with a cold sweat. 'Did I make it wrong? Does he not like eggs? Maybe there's too much pepper? Or the egg might be a little soggy?' my thoughts ran wild as i looked at him, watching his jaw move as he chewed. I grew confused however when he hummed enthusiastically and stabbed his fork into the egg again, cutting another piece and shoving it in his mouth. 'please let that be a good sign'

"These are really fucking good eggs!" I flinched slightly at the loud voice but I relaxed as I realized he still had egg in his mouth.

I chuckled "don't talk with your mouth full ha ha"

"Oh shoot-" he covered his mouth. "Well you made enough for everyone yeah?" i nodded "well let's go get them!" he stood and motioned for me to follow which i reacted quickly to. Within seconds we were halfway up the stairs when Will stopped and cupped his mouth but jolted backward slightly and stopped whatever he was just doing.

Tubbo SBI Adoption auWhere stories live. Discover now