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Tubbo POV

Exhaustion weighs down on my eyelids after having cried for so long, the puffiness and red supporting factors. The sun is setting now, making vibrant reds, pinks, and oranges appear on the horizon. It's a shame that we're going to miss it, we wanna get home before dark so it's in our interest to leave now.

Phil offered to carry me back to the car and while my exhaustion screamed to say yes, my bones ached for a break, and my legs trembled beneath me, fear gripped my shoulders and memories fazed into my mind. Falling and grabbing at the air. My lungs strained as I screamed. I fought off the lump in my throat and tears in my eyes, declining Phils offer.

The forest seems more dull than when we first came here, maybe it's because of the sunset or my exhausted eyes, but I wasn't complaining, the dull colours matched the tired empty clutch around my heart. Questions made themselves more evident than before while I trailed behind Phil. They are very simple questions this time, only some of them have venom laced within them.

Why would he drop me?

What kind of person drops a kid?

Why did, what was his name? Sapnap? Care?

I once again found myself fighting back that lump in my throat and my eyes buried, feeling as though they want to cry but like an old well they have dried. Assisting myself in comfort, my arms raised to the opposite sides of my body, embracing myself in a hug of sorts. A sigh left my mouth and I remember how I used to hug myself like this almost nightly, it was an old coping mechanism I used to feel at least a little bit safer, to make it seem like I wasn't alone.

I felt like a waste, a waste of Phils time, a waste of space, a waste of energy. I know why of course, because I failed to do the one thing I was supposed to do. I was meant to learn how to fly to find my siblings, to help them, to see them, to find some closure, but instead I pulled a classic 'Tubbo move' and decided to be useless.

Twenty minutes passed of fighting back a sob that lingered in the back of my throat, rubbing the burning sensation out of my red eyes, shaking away any sour thoughts I had about the man I was trailing behind. It was twenty minutes of walking with no one around in the dull forest. It was 5 seconds of walking with someone staring at me through the bushes. It was a split second of my eyes wandering over to theirs.

I stopped in my tracks, I could hear Phil continuing to walk so I suspect he didn't notice when I froze. My mouth separated lightly in shock and my arms now released from the opposite shoulders and hung in the air with my hands close to my face. My yellow hybrid eyes were hooked onto a pair of heterochromatic ones staring at me. I could hear my heartbeat pulse in my chest.

I can't see whoever they are in the shadows that they linger in, only the two bright orbs. As if they were crouched down at first the two orbs float upward, as if to signify that the person had stood. Unconsciously my right arm reached out as my left one fell down more. Looking into those eyes, I felt a warmth grip onto my heart, a familiar feeling as though I knew those eyes.

As I reached forward they moved back by a step, but that one step turned into a run in the other direction. My hope made a move before my mind did and my legs moved into a print as if the exhaustion from before just disappeared, I felt bushes and vines try to hook onto my trousers as I ran through the brush. "Tubbo?!" Phil yelled as he most likely heard plants russell, beginning to be trampled by my weight.

My mind was blank as I ran on only instinct, heartbeat racing in my ears causing the rhythmic pulse to flow through my whole body. I could hear phil chase after me, his feet crushing the dead twigs and branches under them. Those crunches didn't last long though as they came to a stop and a reconizable large beat of his wings made a gust of wind brush against my legs. I couldn't help but run faster as the fear of phil catching me tagged along with the instinct to catch the large familiar figure that managed to create a wider distance between us, with their long legs.

The figure suddenly turned behind a tree and I couldn't see them anymore, I kept running as the panic of loosing them set in. I had no idea why it was so important, or why they felt familiar but I didn't question it as my wings fluttered in panic that consumed me.

Of corse like I prdicted Phil's hand grabbed into my right forearm in an attempt to stop me, which ended up working considering he's a fully grown man and I'm thirteen. My head whipped around to meet his eyes. "What are you doing?! We need to get you home!" he raised his voice lightly but it was not yelling.

I felt my wings make rappid beats in a pattern as my instincts began to flow through my veins. Too caught up in the moment to think rationally, I kicked Phil in the chest and yanked my arm away, he let out a pained grunt as I turned away from him. Not even noticing what was happening, as if my brain was on auto pilot, my wings beated quickly and I hovered from the squashed-furn-covered ground, taking flight and shooting after the person I saw.

I zipped around trees, manivered around any obstacle with ease and determination. "TUBBO!" Phil distantly shouted behind me, probably standing and chasing after me. I kept my eyes moving constantly between the small trail of crushed plants left by the lanky shadow and whatever was infront of me as to not crash. I was gaining ground fast, it was all going well, hope found itself taking root in my soul and I felt my mouth tug itself into a smile.

The tracks stopped.

My eyes flipped to different areas within the circle of trees I found myself stood in, trying to check to see if I had missed any tracks at all. My antenna moved and searched, scanning for any alien noises that weren't Phil who was probably worried sick. My wings allowed me to fly in place, spinning as I looked, unfortunately I couldn't find even a sliver of a clue as to where they went.

The joy that welled in my body and echoed in my bones vashed like dust in the wind. My smile pulled into a frown that hung lightly agar. Disappointment are sorrow were left and slowly my wings stopped beating, descending me slowly back onto the ground.

I stood there for a good minute in silence, the world mocking my failure, tears placed themselves onto my eyelids, too tired to drop. My head hund low until Phil found me, he hend my shoulders and asked me desperate questions that I could hear but not process, I didn't want to try either. The hands that were dropped my moving by my sides suddenly clenched and I had all sorts of emotions flow through me at the same rate the tears flower down my face now.

I was tired, so tired, so angery, so sad and disappointed. I didn't evem understand why this of all thing is what got to me, I didn't even know the person- no- eyes that I saw. Just eyes nothing else.

Phil pulled me into a warm enbrace as my shoulders shook and I silently cried.

I didn't protest when me picked me up and wrapped my arms around his neck, walking out of the forest.

I didn't feel bad when the soft words he spoke while trudging through the forest floor lulled me to sleep.

I didn't mind when I woke back up in the car, the stars in the night sky shinny above me.

I was too tired. 


happy gay month you gremlins :)

my Tubbo youtooz came in the mail the other day and I love it so much, I took him out of his box once and then put him back in out of fear. he is now only desk while I work :)

also I've started doing this thing where if I see a comment I like about the carters I'll write a little non cannon thing in the replies, I've done it twice now, one was an insert of a reader and another was a short thing about Tommy ripping off Wilburs ears while Tubbo panicked in the background. so look out for those I guess, bye for now beloveds!

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