makeshift meadows

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really quick look! I got fanart! I'm so happy! thank you @Atlas73 !


Tubbo POV

'Wh-where- where am I?'

My eyes darted around to my new surroundings, finding myself sat under a tree in a flower meadow. The sun was setting, making the sky a beautiful orange as fluffy white clouds passed and allowed the sky's colour to reflect onto them.

The grass was soft in between my fingers and hands and there was a flower crown in my hair. It was nice.

Standing up and spinning my head to look around the tree, I found three other people sitting in a clearing across a small pond. I walked closer, getting a better look at these people, something about them was different yet familiar.

One was smaller than the others with dark hair that looked just like mine but had two long, um, sticks? Wires? Coming out of their head and what looked like a cape on their back. They sat in the middle of the other two.

To the right of the small figure looked to be a girl with pink dyed hair and white roots. She looked tired and had large bags under her eyes, I wonder if she got enough sleep. On her head was a flower crown with yellows and pinks thrown into it.

Lastly to the left of the small figure was a boy with multicoloured hair and long ears, almost like the ears of elves you would hear about in legends. He had heterochromatic eyes that were unnaturally green and red, and had a flower crown to match them.

I stood at the opposite side of the pond now and looked at the trio. "Hello?" I called out to them. "Can you tell me where i am?"

My question lingered in the air as it was never answered. 'Maybe they just didn't hear me?'

"Hello?" I spoke louder this time. "I'm sorry if I'm bothering you but do you know where any main roads are?"

Suddenly the small boy in the middle spoke, he was quiet but I could still hear him as though they were right beside me. "Ran..? Niki..? do you think they'll find us?" my question was still put aside as though i was on mute, or as though i hadn't spoken at all.

The two taller people looked at each other for a brief moment as the younger stared into the waters of the pond. The girl spoke next, her voice soothing and calm. "No. They won't be able to find us. We're too fast for them." she plastered a soft smile on her face for the young boy.

"...but, what if they do? Will we have to go back?" the young one questioned.

The multi coloured hair boy moved his torso forward more, getting the attention of the younger and getting them to look at him. "If they do find us, which they won't, I'll protect you and we can fight them off! We're too strong for them now aren't we?" his smile was so bright, genuine and made me feel... safe.

The younger laughed. "Yeah! Too strong!" He showed a large toothy smile to the two. "I love you Niki, I love you Ran!" he spoke with the smile still large.

Simultaneously, as if rehearsed, the other two spoke. "We love you too Bub's..."


Wait but-

What means that he is-


My own large green eyes looked at me from across the water.

Suddenly the grass and flowers, trees and leaves, water and rocks, Niki and Ranboo, all began to fade into white. Leaving me and... myself in an empty space.

He stood up from his sitting position and seemed to have aged in that one single motion, making us the same age instead of the young boy that reflected my past only moments before. I backed up, shocked? Afraid? Worried?

"You lost them didn't you?" I spoke, only it wasn't me but myself who stood across from where was.

"No. No! I don't know why I would ever- I can't remember what happened!" I yelled at myself.

"Maybe they left you?"

"They would never! They love me! They-"

"They loved me?" I copied my own concerned voice, hearing the same panic in my own.

"For what?" a new voice sounded, but it was the same as my own. More of me. A third.

"For me!" i said almost in awe i would say such a thing. "They loved me for me!"

"So where are they?" a forth spoke.

"I'm not sure." I said?

"Do you think they miss you?" more? Maybe the same?

"I miss them..." this was me. The ninth.

"Do they want to be found?" I keep pondering.

"Are they looking for me?" this made me look at the one beside me.

"Are they proud?" I said in sync with myself.

"Will they help me with my abilities?" Who was this?

"I can't remember how to use them" is this me?

"Did they have abilities too?" Is it myself?

Questions brimmed the white void, endless questions which had no answers.

The space was so loud.

I can't even hear myself think.

Or maybe I already was hearing my thoughts?

I'm not sure of anything. There are too many voices. Too many questions.

My head is pounding. It feels like it's going to split into two.

It hurts.

It hurts.

It hurts.

It hurts.

It hurts.

It hurts.

I can't focus on the tears rolling down my face. It hurts too much.

I can't hear my own thoughts. The voices are too loud.

I want it to stop.

Make it stop.

Please someone.

I hear screaming. From what? From who?

It's coming from me. Not another me though. My mouth. My actual mouth. I am the one screaming.


make sense? no? cool. 


I really wasn't expecting this story to get as popular as it did, like it was #3 in #Tubbo the other day! can you believe it?! 

thank you guys so much for the endless support! I really appreciate it, your comments always make me smile!

make sure to get some sleep you sleep deprived muffins! <3

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