piece of cake

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Tommy POV

Phil left to do some boring adult paperwork, leaving Tubbo and Will to bake and me to the music. The whole thing started off slowly as I played the wii shop theme and animal crossing just for some back noise as Tubbo walked Wilbur through the steps. It was fun to watch, especially when Wilbur did something wrong and Tubbo just looked at him, didn't yell or say that he was disappointed, just stared at him with these cold unforgiving eyes, like something you would see in a horror film. The funniest moment being when they were cracking the eggs and Wilbur got some shell in the bowl.

All Wil said was "oops" when he realised what he did, and Tubbos head just WHIPPED around to look him in the eyes! And he just kept staring for like a good minute while Will was panicking under their gaze trying to get the shell out of the mix. When Wilbur finally got the egg out of the bowl Tubbo just smiled and went back to what they were doing before. Creepy as shit man...

Will and Tub's were both pouring the cake batter into the molding pans now and just as they began I found the perfect song. It was the short version of "cooking by the book remix" which I knew all the words too and hoped that tubbo did too, because if they did that would be too funny.

I pressed play on the song and Wilburs face lit up with joy, the man basically had stars in his eyes. I looked at Tubbo too who was smirking with a light chuckle under their breath. 'Oh this is gonna be good'

I was going to do the main parts of the song but ended up not timing it right, thinking there was another beat before the lyrics started. To my surprise however, I didn't need to sing the main parts as tubbo took the lead. "It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake."

Wilbur and I both looked at each other in awe before continuing the song's lyrics. "WHAT?" we both screamed.

"If the way is hazy!" Tubbo pointed a finger to the sky as if giving us a lecture.

"OKAY!" Will and I spoke in sync.

"You gotta do the cookin' by the book!" they pointed to the recipe they found online on the Ipad.

"WHAT?" we both acted confused and flipped our view over to each other before looking back at Tubbo for their next line.

"You know you can't be lazy" their right leg bounced in time with the beat of the music.


"Never use a messy recipe."


"The cake will end up crazy!" they pointed to each side of their head, spinning their pointer fingers in circles making the gesture of 'crazy'.


"If you do the cooking by the book!"


"Then you'll have a cake!"

We all burst out laughing, letting the song continue playing till it ended in the background and momentarily forgetting about the task at hand. We kept wheezing with laughter until we heard a monotone "oh i am so sending that to Phil." from the stairs.

Looking over I saw tech standing on the last step with his phone in hand. "Oh no you don't bitch!" i said and ran for techno's phone, my other two brothers following behind me to attack the traitor among us.

Techno ran into the living room and jumped onto the coach, the three of us chasing him laughing while we ran. "It's too late! I already pressed send!"

He tried convincing us to stop but sadly for him it didn't work and I tackled him down onto the couch, making him groan in annoyance. I laughed but stopped and got winded when Will jumped onto me, creating a dog pile on the couch. Wilbur let out a victorious chuckle as he sat on a throne of his own brothers.

One thing I did notice was that Tubbo never jumped on top like I was expecting him too. Instead he just stood laughing at the sight of us, apparently techno took notice of him too as he started asking for assistance. "Tubbo! Help me! I've been trapped by villains! This isn't justice! This is chaos!"

He smiled seeing Tubbo walk close to us. "Yes Tubbo! Free me from this prison!" he sounded hopeful before Tubbo went ahead and grabbed his phone from him, luck us, it didn't have a password. Tubbo smiled and stepped back toward where they were standing before. "Tubbo no! How could you do this! I've been betrayed!"

Tub's smiled and took a photo of the brother pile then proceeded to quote techno from earlier. "Oh I am so sending that to Phil." he smiled, making Wilbur and i Laugh until we fell off the couch and onto the floor. Techno made a sound of betrayal and pretended to get stabbed in the heart and bleed out.

We all stayed like that for a few minutes before the oven made a sound signifying it was at the required temperature for the cake and Tubo left us to our laughing fit as they slid the batter into the oven carefully and set a timer before cleaning up the mess Will and they made on the counters. Eventually Wilbur joined in and I was forced into helping as well.  


there you go, some fluff to even out the angst. enjoy it while you still can >:D 

also about that other book that im planning to write after this one, should I keep the Vamp AU idea (bc I already have some plot in mind for that) 


make a one shot book

bc I can't make decisions for the life of me. 

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