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Wilbur POV

As the others continue to laugh at the poor boy wrapped in a shower curtain, I go to the closet beside the washroom and open the doors with a chuckle. Rifling through the clothing for a moment I settled on a dark green tank top and snatched it off the hanger.

Letting the others loose themselves laughing, I walk into the washroom and put the shirt on the tangled up boy, closing the door as I leave. "You guys are done wheezing yet?" I question my family with a smile.

I see Phil catch a breath, holding a finger up to tell me he'll be a moment along with Tommy who is literally on the ground laughing and Techo who is holding his stomach with both arms. They take a moment before Phil speaks. "Yeah yeah, we're good." he states, wiping a tear from his eyes. "Let's give Bee-Boy a hand eh?"

Phil walks over to the door hiding Tubbo and knocks lightly. "You alright in there mate?" he asks.

After a few grunts in annoyance Tubbo replied. "Y-yeah, just having a time with the- with the wings is all."

"Take your time bud" he spoke softly then went back to his sitting spot on the bed.

I know it's probably not the time to be grateful but I'm glad Phil was right, I was worried that Tubbo wasn't who he had thought. Though growing closer to the kid I suppose it would've been fine either way. Though something still nags at my mind. "Hey Phil?" I asked my father, gaining his attention.


"How come it hurt Tubbo to transform when it doesn't hurt either of you?" I questioned, gesturing to him and my brother.

"Probably because he didn't do it willingly. It could have sprung from a memory or dream and forced itself out on instinct to protect."

I nod at his reasoning and turn my head toward the opening bathroom door, revealing a newly changed Tubbo. He looked tired but also anxious. I watched as he stepped out and raised his arms outward, showing off the new features. Phil beckoned him forward and I moved to sit behind Phil on the bed so I could get a better view.

From behind Phil I could see the claws on Tubbos fingers upclose. They were black and sharp, shining under the light. His eyes were now a honey yellow, sweet and full of concern. The antenna on his forehead were long and black, they went back like an upset cat's ears, signalling he was uncomfortable or possibly upset by something.

Phil sighed and went to pat his head in a comforting way like he does to the rest of us, but this time when his hand met Tubbo's head, Tubbo yelped and jumped backward, putting his arms above his head. 'The antenna must be sensitive'

"This is-" Tubbo began but cut himself off to think before trying again. "This is cool and- and really scary at the same time? How would i? Can i? Turn back?"

"It'll take some practice but you'll get there eventually Tubs. for now let's focus on what you can do yeah? After all, I bet you'd wanna know if you can fly or not?" Phil tempted him, it worked as I watched Tubbo's eyes fill with curiosity.

Phil giggled. "Okay, why don't i take you out somewhere where we can practice, in the meantime-'' he turned to look at me. "You can explain yourselves to Tom's"

With that he took Tubbos' confused hand and brought him away, probably to a forest an hour or two from here, it has a nice clearing no one really knows about so it's nice for him to just fly for a bit.

I turn to Tommy and sigh. "What did he mean by that?" Tommy asked.

Techno turned to look at me then proceeded to nudge my arm. "Tommy we-" I started, almost fearful to say our shared secret. "Tommy likes how Tubbo dad and Tech aren't human."

I gulped.

"Neither are we." 


sorry it so short! its important though!

I wanted to add more than that tonight but my personal life is getting in the way of a lot rn, trying to deal with a toxic friend and my other friend who just got diagnosed with depression is difficult. I'll try and post more this weekend!

stay safe <3

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