Chapter 8 = A Hershey's Kiss

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NATO breathing hitches when he looks up to see a very breathless FBI, his hair messy and his sunglasses skewed revealing his baby blue eyes.

They were close, definitely a few inches from each other's lips that one wrong move could cause a huge 'problem'.

"F-FBI.." NATO spoke, stuttering a bit as their gaze didn't break away from each other.

They felt the need to lean in each other, to close that tiny space between them.

That is.. If they were to be given a chance.

They both halted in leaning when they heard someone squealing a few feet away from them.

They both glanced back to the office door to see UN with hand over his mouth to hide a cheeky smile and EU being the source of that squeal who was almost acting like a little child who had been given candy.

EU stops before realising what he had done, chuckling nervously as he rubbed the back of his head with a red face of embarrassment.

"O-oh.. Sorry! I got too excited, pardon me but I'll just be going now!" EU stammers out quickly, backing away but then pauses when UN went up to him and gave a small peck on his cheek.

"I'll see you in my office later, okay?" UN said, his composure calm as if he didn't just made EU flush more.

"Ye-yeah." EU answers, as UN smiles warmly.

"Uhh, BYE!" EU quickly ran off to his own office.

NATO and FBI didn't really know what to think about what had happened, but when they looked back at each other they both flushed out of embarrassment as they both scrambled away from each other to stand up.

It was silent as they stood there, not knowing what to do or say until UN cleared his throat to get their attention.

"Best be getting back to work now, alright?" UN said, smirking before heading into his office and shutting the door behind him.

NATO and FBI then went back to their spots, but never giving each other a glance as their faces were still flushed with red from realising.

'Should I have gone in for it?' NATO thought, but knowing that UN and EU were there was more then embarrassing for him.

'Did I really just do that??' FBI thought, in disbelief that even NATO seemed willing to actually do it.

But will they have another chance?


NATO was just minding his own business, sorting through paperwork that UN left for him to help with as he went to deal with more papers.

He didn't mind really, it distracted his mind from what had happened after lunch break and he needed something to do to block the boredom. The first reason being more prominent.

FBI on the other hand was definitely distracted by something and it was weird of him to just be secretly watching NATO from the doorway, he was lucky his sunglasses covered his eyes well enough.

Though he wonders if he should get some chocolates.. Maybe play a small prank on NATO?

FBI chuckles at a thought and checked the clock to see that the time was nearing until he got off his shift along with NATO, smiling deviously before keeping his calm composure again.


FBI quickly jogs over to where NATO sat on a bench.

For some context, FBI had asked NATO to go hang out with him at the park they once walked through together and NATO reluctantly agreed.

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